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Last Updated: 29 September 2009
Mergers without markets? Unilateral effects
analysis in the
United States and its prospects
in Australia
Caron Beaton-Wells*
In both the United States and Australia an initial but crucial step in
analysis performed for the purposes of merger regulation has been
of the relevant market(s) in which competition may be
affected. In recent
years, the federal agencies in the United States
have adopted an approach
that excludes this step. Instead, their
approach has been to examine the
potential unilateral effects of a
merger by assessing “directly”, using
techniques, the possibility of a supra-competitive price
increase by the
merged firm. This has been seen as a preferable
approach in many ways to
the traditional structural analysis to which
market definition is integral. Is it
likely that Australian regulators
and courts would adopt a similar approach?
This article addresses that
question, concluding that there are good reasons
for regarding such a
prospect as remote.
Recent developments in antitrust enforcement in the United States reduce considerably, if not remove altogether, the requirement to define a relevant market for the purposes of assessing the competitive implications of a particular transaction.1 In the merger context, this development generally is associated with an analysis of the possible unilateral effects of the acquisition.2 Driven largely by the growth in differentiated products and services industries and advances in empirical techniques for predicting merger outcomes, unilateral effects analysis has been the primary focus of merger activity by the United States’ enforcement agencies since the early 1990s.3 Those agencies enforce the prohibition in s 7 of the Clayton Act 1914 on acquisitions “where in any line of commerce in any section of the country, the effect of such acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly”.
In Australia market definition is regarded as an essential preliminary step
in applying those
prohibitions under Pt IV of the Trade Practices Act 1974
(Cth) (TPA) that necessitate an assessment of market power and
anticompetitive effects.4 Such prohibitions include s 50 which, not unlike s 7
of the United States’ statute, is directed at acquisitions that have the
effect or are likely to have the effect of substantially
lessening competition
in a market. This is the test that is applied by the Australian Competition and
Consumer Commission (ACCC)
in deciding whether to provide a clearance for a
* BA/LLB (Hons); LLM (Melb); PhD (Melb); Senior Lecturer, Melbourne Law
School, University of Melbourne. The author is
grateful to Darryl Biggar,
Frances Hanks and Philip Williams for their comments on an earlier draft of this
manuscript. Any
errors or omissions are the responsibility of the author
1 See generally Keyte J and Stoll N, “Markets? We don’t
Need no Stinking Markets! The FTC and Market Definition”
(Fall) Antitrust Bulletin 593.
2 This analysis in turn tends to
be associated primarily with horizontal mergers. Different issues tend to arise
in connection with
vertical and conglomerate (diversifying) mergers. See, for
example, United States Department of Justice, Non-Horizontal
Guidelines, June 14, 1984.
3 Baker J, “Unilateral Competitive Effects
Theories in Merger Analysis” (1997) 11 Antitrust 21 at 21. Until
the revision of the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission
Horizontal Merger Guidelines in 1992, the focus
had been very much on
coordinated effects (that is, the potential for a merger to engender collusion
between the merged firm and
remaining rival firms). One of the more significant
changes resulting from the revision of the Guidelines in 1992 was the
of the concept that a merger may result in lessened competition
through unilateral effects, even where the merger does not increase
likelihood of successful coordinated interaction.
4 See ss 45, 46, 47 and 50
of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth).
proposed merger.5 It is also
the test that is applicable on the far less common occasion that a merger is
challenged in the Federal
Court. While a different test applies to the
determination of applications for authorisation by the ACCC and, on review, the
Competition Tribunal (Tribunal),6 an important aspect of that test
involves consideration, as under s 50, of the anticompetitive detriment likely
to arise from the proposed acquisition.7 At the same time, the task of defining
a market
has proven to be one of the most challenging and controversial aspects
of Australian competition law.8 It not only consumes a significant
proportion of
the time and expense involved in examining whether the relevant tests apply, but
is also often
determinative of the outcome such that the substantive issues
of market power and effects on
competition are never reached. For these
reasons there is obvious merit in examining the
developments in the United
States and assessing the prospects for their adoption in Australia.9 To that
end, this article:
1. outlines the approach taken to assessing the
competition implications of a merger in the United States and Australia under
regulatory guidelines in each jurisdiction and, in particular, the role of
unilateral effects in that approach;
2. examines briefly the economic theory
underpinning unilateral effects analysis, as developed principally in the United
3. considers the ramifications for market definition of the adoption
of unilateral effects analysis, with reference to recent United
experience; and
4. assesses the prospects of the United States’
approach to unilateral effects analysis taking hold in Australia.
In the United States the approach involved in determining the antitrust implications of a merger is set out in guidelines published jointly by the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission (US Guidelines).10 The US Guidelines articulate a sequence of steps, commencing with market
5 The ACCC has a long-standing practice of entertaining applications for
informal clearances. An informal clearance is essentially
a non-statutory
promise by the ACCC not to prosecute a proposed merger on the grounds that it
does not raise substantial competition
concerns. The 2005 amendments that the
government proposed to the Act (see Trade Practices Legislation Amendment
Bill 2005), in accordance with recommendations made by the Dawson Committee
of Inquiry in its Review of the Competition Provisions of the Trade Practices
Act, 2003, included the introduction of a parallel formal clearance
procedure. However, the Bill was amended by the Senate, excising
the schedule
dealing with mergers and, as at the date of publication of this article, the
fate of the Bill remains unclear.
6 Pursuant to the amendments proposed to be
made by the Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (see n 5
above), applications for merger authorisations will be determined by the
Tribunal rather than the ACCC.
7 The test is whether the ACCC is satisfied
that the acquisition “would result or be likely to result in such a
benefit to the
public that [it] should be allowed to take place” (see s
88(9)). While it does not expressly involve a weighing process between
benefit and anticompetitive detriment, the test, as applied in practice, is
whether there is an overall or net public benefit
once all the circumstances
including any anticompetitive or other detriment has been taken into
8 The question of the relevant market has been described as
“the most vigorously (and expensively) litigated and discussed question
our courts and tribunals”: Baxt R, “The Australian Concept of Market
– How it Came to Be” in Richardson
M and Williams P (eds), The
Law and the Market (1995) 10 at 28.
9 To date the United States’
developments have not received much attention in published Australian
competition law literature.
Cf the brief discussion in Robertson D,
“The Regulatory Assessment of Mergers (and Things like Mergers)”
(2000) 7 CCLJ 201
and more recently and in greater detail, Werden G and Hay
D, “Bringing Australian Merger Control into the Twenty-First Century
Incorporating Unilateral Effects” (2005) 13 CCLJ 119 (an article published
after the present article was submitted for publication). Werden and Hay argue
that the Australian Guidelines
should be amended to adopt the structure of the
US Guidelines, differentiating between and then in turn giving more extensive
to each of unilateral effects and coordinated effects theories. The
article does not expressly advocate the abandonment of the market
definition-market share approach and does not deal with the arguments against
such abandonment, as set out below. Rather, it appears
to suggest that
unilateral effects analysis should supplement the structural paradigm and,
indeed, should be preferred in the case
of mergers in differentiated products
industries given the limitations of the latter in that context..
Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission, Horizontal Merger Guidelines
(April 2, 1992, as revised April 8, 1997) (US
followed by an inquiry into market shares and levels of concentration that
presumptions regarding the legality or illegality (as the case may be)
of the merger,12 followed by an assessment of anticompetitive
effects. Such
effects are divided into two broad categories, involving:
1. coordinated
interaction between the merged firm and other rivals (coordinated effects);13
2. unilateral action on the part of the merged entity (unilateral
Having considered these two possible scenarios arising from the merger
(bearing in mind that
they are not intended to be mutually exclusive), the US
Guidelines deal next with the condition of entry in order to determine whether
it would be timely, likely and sufficient to counteract any anticompetitive
This is followed by evaluation of whether there are efficiencies
likely to be generated by the merger that may offset such effects16
and finally
whether the merger would prevent
the exit of a so-called “failing
firm”.17 The analytical framework articulated in the US Guidelines is
applied, not only
by the federal agencies in reviewing merger proposals, but
also by the courts in determining the legality of a merger under s 7 of
Clayton Act.18
While conceptually consistent with the United States’ approach, the
guidelines published by the ACCC in relation to mergers
(Australian Guidelines)
organise the analysis slightly differently.19 Under those guidelines, following
market definition20 and calculation
of market shares and concentration levels,21
an analysis of possible anticompetitive outcomes (depending on whether the
market concentration thresholds are met) proceeds by examination of a
series of factors in order as follows –
import competition,22 barriers
to entry,23 and then other factors (including both structural and
factors).24 These factors reflect, to a large extent, the non-exhaustive list
provided in s 50(3) of the TPA of factors
that a court must consider in deciding
whether or not an acquisition falls foul of the prohibition in that section.
While “unilateral effects” as such, are not singled out
explicitly for attention,25 they underpin
almost all of the analysis provided
for in the Australian Guidelines (market shares, barriers to entry,
countervailing power and so
on are all seen as factors that either will
facilitate or detract, as the case may be, from an exercise of unilateral power
on the
part of the merged entity). To some extent this is a function of the fact
that, prior to 1993, the test under s 50 of the TPA was
concerned with whether
the acquisition would create or strengthen substantially a position of dominance
on the part of the merged
firm. It is generally understood that that test was
amended, lowering the standard from dominance to substantial lessening of
so as to catch not only acquisitions that would
11 US Guidelines, s 1 (1.0-1.322)
12 US Guidelines, s 1 (1.4-1.522).
US Guidelines, s 2.1.
14 US Guidelines, s 2.2
15 US Guidelines, s 3.
US Guidelines, s 4.
17 US Guidelines, s 5.
18 Rill J, “Practicing
What They Preach: One Lawyer’s View of Econometric Models in
Differentiated Products Mergers”
5 George Mason Law Review
393 at 393.
19 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Merger
Guidelines, June 1999 (Australian Guidelines). See the
depiction of the analysis in Figure 1.
20 Australian Guidelines, [5.26],
21 Australian Guidelines, [5.27]-[5.28], [5.87]-[5.103].
Australian Guidelines, [5.29], [5.104]-[5.114].
23 Australian Guidelines,
[5.30], [5.115]-[5.128].
24 Australian Guidelines, [5.31],
25 There is a brief reference to the distinction between
unilateral market power and coordinated market power at [5.11] of the Australian
Guidelines. There are additional references to unilateral effects in [5.88],
[5.89] and [5.97]. For a detailed discussion of the
inadequacies of the
Guidelines in this regard, see Werden and Hay, n 9.
enable the merged entity
to exercise unilateral market power, but also those that might facilitate
coordinated market conduct.26 That
said, coordinated effects are not given the
prominence that they are given in the US Guidelines.27 In the Australian
such effects are dealt with in a discrete section towards the end of
the guidelines,28 under the heading “Other factors”,
together with
factors such as the availability of substitutes, the removal of a vigorous and
effective competitor, vertical integration,
dynamic characteristics of the
market and so on.29
Under the Australian framework, efficiencies are only treated as relevant to
the issue of
anticompetitive effects to the extent that they may create or
enhance a competitive constraint on the merged firm or undermine the
for coordinated conduct.30 The “failing firm” scenario is dealt with
in the context of considering whether
the merger would involve the removal of a
vigorous and effective competitor.31
In basic economic terms, an individual firm is understood to have unilateral market power if it can raise price above competitive levels without losing sales to rivals to such an extent as to make the price increase unprofitable.32 Broadly speaking, based on the traditional model of a dominant firm, economists recognise two situations in which unilateral market power might arise. The first concerns cost differences and the second, differentiated products.33
The first situation involves a dominant firm and a number of
“fringe” competitors producing a
homogeneous product. In this
model, the only difference between the dominant firm and the fringe firms is
that the former has a substantial
cost advantage over each of the latter. As a
result the dominant firm is able to set its profit-maximising price
significantly above
its marginal cost because of the fringe firms’ cost
disadvantage. That disadvantage prevents them from expanding their sales
at the
price determined by the dominant firm.34
In the second situation, it is differences between competitors’
products, as perceived by
customers, rather than differences in their costs
that enable a firm to exercise unilateral market power. There is extensive
economic literature on the relationship between product
differentiation and market power.35 For present purposes, however, it is
sufficient to note that a firm, the products of
26 See Corones S, Competition Law in Australia (3rd ed, Lawbook Co.,
2004) pp 296-297. This amendment was effected from 21 January 1993 by the
Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act 1992 (Cth), consequent upon the
recommendations of the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs,
Mergers, Monopolies and Acquisitions – The Adequacy of Existing
Legislation Controls, Canberra, 1991 (Cooney Committee).
27 In practice
also, a brief review of the ACCC’s decision-making with respect to merger
proposals (submitted for informal clearance
purposes) in recent years suggests
that its focus has been primarily on unilateral effects. See the public
competition assessments
issued by the ACCC in the period 2003-2005, available at
http://www.accc.gov.au (viewed 4 October 2005). There have been cases in
past, however, in which ACCC opposition to a merger has been based on potential
coordinated effects: see, eg, Wattyl/Courtaulds [1996] ATPR (Com) 50-232.
To the extent that generalisations are possible, it is probably true to say that
where the merger is in a differentiated products
industry, the ACCC’s
focus has been on unilateral effects; whereas where the industry in question
involves homogeneous products,
the focus has been on the potential for
coordinated conduct as a result
of the merger: Corones, n 26, p 324.
Australian Guidelines, [5.167]-[5.170].
29 Australian Guidelines,
30 Australian Guidelines, [5.171]-[5.174].
31 Australian
Guidelines, [5.138]-[5.147].
32 Starek III R and Stockum S, “What Makes
Mergers Anticompetitive?: ‘Unilateral Effects’ Analysis under the
Merger Guidelines” (1995) (Spring) 63 Antitrust Law Journal
801 at 803.
33 See, eg, Carlton D and Perloff J, Modern Industrial
Organization (2nd ed, 1994) pp 158-159.
34 Carlton and Perloff, n 33,
35 For a survey of this literature (albeit now somewhat
out-of-date), see Eaton B and Lipsey R, “Product Differentiation”
Schmalensee R and Willig R (eds), Handbook of Industrial Organization
which are differentiated from those of rivals and attract strong
customer loyalty as a consequence, may be able to raise its price
competitive levels without incurring a sufficient reduction in sales as to make
the price increase unprofitable.
For reasons outlined below, economists generally agree that, while market
share is a factor that affects the ability of a firm to
exercise unilateral
market power, there is no particular market share threshold over which a firm
may be presumed to have such power.
Even a relatively large share, of itself,
cannot be considered definitive.36 Rather than market share, a test commonly
applied in
determining whether or not a firm is able to exercise unilateral
market power is a test of the profitability of a small but significant
non-transitory price increase (SSNIP) imposed by the firm acting unilaterally. A
firm that is able to impose a SSNIP profitably is
said to enjoy unilateral
market power.
This is the same test as is employed for the purposes of market
definition (being, in the United States, the profitability of a price
for a hypothetical monopolist).37 In both instances the profitability of the
SSNIP turns on the extent to which customers
would reduce their purchases in
response to the increase.38 A firm will impose a supra-competitive price
increase unilaterally only
if so few marginal customers (that is, customers who
would be responsive to a SSNIP) would switch to rival firms such that the price
increase will remain profitable.39
In merger policy, unilateral effects analysis is concerned with the potential for a merger to create a firm that possesses unilateral market power in the sense described above. In other words, it is concerned with whether the merged firm will be in a position to raise prices unilaterally (or reduce output or otherwise act anticompetitively). The US Guidelines identify criteria that will be considered in determining the potential for unilateral anticompetitive effects arising from a merger in two different settings. The first setting is one in which firms are distinguished primarily by differentiated products (s 2.21) and the second is one in which firms are distinguished primarily by their capacities (s 2.22). In recent years, agency attention has focused primarily on mergers in the first, differentiated products, setting.
Underpinning the distinction between these two settings are two benchmark
models of
competitive behaviour discussed in modern industrial organisation
theory – the differentiated product
36 Starek and Stockum, n 32 at 804, citing Pitofsky R, “New Definitions
of Relevant Market and the Assault on Antitrust”
(1990) 90 Colum L Rev
1805 at 1810. For a recent explanation by an Australian author as to why market
share/concentration information, on its own, is insufficient
and, even
potentially misleading, as an indicator of market power, see Biggar D,
Competition Policy Without Market Definition, Internal ACCC Working
Paper, 30 August 2005 (copy on file with author).
37 As has been pointed out
recently (and discussed further below), the SSNIP test plays a dual role, both
as a test for the competitive
effects of a merger and as a test for determining
market boundaries: King S, The SSNIP Test in Merger Analysis: A Critical
Appraisal, Internal ACCC Working Paper (2005) (copy on file with author).
The hypothetical monopolist version of the SSNIP test is adopted
in the US
Guidelines, s 1, and has been incorporated in similar form in several other
jurisdictions, including Australia. Starting with the smallest possible
group of
competing products, the US Guidelines ask whether a hypothetical monopolist over
that group of products would profitably
impose at least a SSNIP, generally
deemed to be about 5% lasting for the foreseeable future. If a significant
number of customers
respond to a SSNIP by purchasing substitute products having
a considerable degree of functional interchangeability for the
products, then the SSNIP would not be profitable.
Accordingly, the product market must be expanded to encompass those substitute
products that constrain the monopolist’s pricing. The product market is
expanded until the hypothetical monopolist could profitably
impose a
Similarly, in defining the geographical market, the guidelines
hypothesise a monopolist’s ability profitably to impose a SSNIP,
deemed to be about 5%, in the smallest possible geographic area of competition.
If customers respond by buying the product
from suppliers outside the smallest
area, the geographic market boundary must be expanded. The hypothetical
monopolist test is endorsed
in the Australian Guidelines, [5.44] in conjunction
with the price elevation test ([5.41]-[5.42]), as articulated by the then Trade
Practices Tribunal in Re Queensland Co-Operative Milling Association Ltd and
Defiance Holdings Ltd (1976) 25 FLR 169 at 189-190; [1976] ATPR
38 Note that in Australia, the SSNIP test incorporates supply-side as
well as demand-side responses to a price increase by the relevant
firm. See
Queensland Wire Industries Pty Ltd v Broken Hill Proprietary Co Ltd
[1989] HCA 6; (1989) 167 CLR 177.
39 See further, Biggar, n 36, explaining at [11] that
economically, the profitability of an increase in price at the margin depends
two things that have nothing to do with market definition: the elasticity of the
residual demand curve facing the firm and the
marginal cost of the
Bertrand model and the homogeneous product Cournot model.40 A more
traditional economic analysis based on the theory of the dominant
discussed above, would have focused on cost differences rather than on capacity
differences. However, a dominant firm model
could be seen as a sub-category of s
2.22 of the US Guidelines to the extent that the dominant firm’s capacity
is distinguished
from the capacities of fringe firms based on its cost
advantages. In this model fringe firms “are effectively
because they cannot expand their output without incurring
higher costs”.41
Differentiated products
In relation to the first setting, the US Guidelines recognise that, as products may vary in their degree of substitutability, competition between firms may be “localised” so that a firm competes more directly with those firms that sell relatively close substitutes. Based on this concept of localised competition, a merger of two firms that produced close substitutes prior to the merger may enable the merged entity to raise prices unilaterally given that:
Some of the sales loss due to the price rise merely will be diverted to the product of the merger partner and, depending on relative margins, capturing such sales loss through merger may make the price increase profitable even though it would not have been profitable premerger.42
With this potential scenario in mind, substantial unilateral price elevation
in a market for
differentiated products is said under the guidelines to
require that two conditions be satisfied: (1) there be a significant share
sales in the market accounted for by consumers who regard the products of the
merging firms as their first and second choices,
and (2) repositioning of the
non-parties’ product lines to replace the localised competition lost
through the merger be unlikely.
As to the first condition, economic theory stipulates that it is the perceived substitutability of the two firms’ products (ie, their “closeness”) that is the most important factor in determining the market power that will be generated by a merger in a differentiated product setting.43 Such closeness has a critical effect on the profitability of a post-merger price increase because “the more closely substitutable two products are (relative to substitutability with other products), the greater will be the degree to which substitution away from each of the products of the merging firms due to a price increase will be ‘internalized’ into the merged entity”,44 and such localised competition as existed between the firms pre-merger lost as a result.
Market share and concentration levels play a lesser role in this analysis
than in other contexts
given that the requisite “closeness” of
the merging firms’ products is not directly related to these indicia. As
explained by two leading antitrust economists in the United States:
In sharp contrast to the situation with homogeneous goods industries, there is no reason why the shares in any delineated market in a differentiated products industry are indicative of the relative importance of each merging firm as a direct competitor of the other. Also, shares in a narrow market tend to be misleading in that they ignore what may be substantial competition from outside the market, and shares in a broad market tend to be misleading in that they ignore the fact that competition is localized.45
Despite this, in a manner that has attracted some criticism,46 the US Guidelines treat market shares and concentration as proxies for substitutability by specifying that:
40 See Fudenberg D and Tirole J, “Non-cooperative Game Theory for
Industrial Organization: An Introduction and Overview”
in Schmalensee R
and Willig R (eds), Handbook of Industrial Organization (1989). For an
explanation of the particular relevance of these models to unilateral effects
theory, see Werden and Hay, n 9.
41 Starek and Stockum, n 32 at 814.
42 US
Guidelines, s 2.21.
43 Starek and Stockum, n 32 at 816.
44 Starek and
Stockum, n 32 at 816.
45Werden G and Rozanski G, “The Application of
Section 7 to Differentiated Products Industries: The Market Delineation
Dilemma” (1994) 8 (Summer) Antitrust 40 at 41.
46 See, eg,
Hausman J and Leonard G, “Economic Analysis of Differentiated Products
Mergers Using Real World Data” (1997)
5 (Spring) George Mason Law
Review 321 at 337-339. Cf the defence of this aspect of the guidelines in
Rill, n 18 at 396.
Where market concentration data fall outside of the safe harbors [specified in the Guidelines], the merging firms have a combined market share of at least thirty five per cent, and data on prouct attributes and relative product appeal show that a significant share of consumers of one merging firm’s product regard the other as their second choice, then market share data may be relied upon to demonstrate that there is a significant share of sales in the market accounted for by consumers who would be adversely affected by the merger.47
It should also be noted that, in connection with the first condition for finding anticompetitive unilateral effects in a differentiated product setting, the US Guidelines appear to emphasise only the relative closeness of a buyer’s first and second choices. But the relative closeness of the buyer’s other choices must also be considered in analysing the potential for price increases.48 Accordingly, as an additional requirement, it must be shown not only that the merging firms produce close substitutes but also that other options available to the buyer are so different that the merged entity will not be constrained from acting anticompetitively.49 Thus, it has been said (somewhat controversially) that the merged firm must be shown to be likely to enjoy a “post-merger monopoly or dominant position, at least in a ‘localized competition space’”.50
As to the second requirement of a unilateral effects claim identified in the
US Guidelines, it is
concerned with the ability and willingness of rival
firms to reposition their product offerings so as to constrain the unilateral
market power that the merged firm otherwise would possess. This involves
consideration not only of the cost involved in such repositioning
for the rival
firm(s) in question but also the ease with which such repositioning could be
achieved and its likely effectiveness
given the search and switching behaviour
of the relevant buyers.51
Capacity differences
The second setting in which unilateral market power might arise from a merger
is described in the US Guidelines as a setting in which
products are
“relatively undifferentiated”.52 In this context, unlike in the
first setting, buyers consider the products
of non-merging firms as well as
those of the merging parties to be relatively close substitutes. Based on the
Cournot model, the
potential unilateral effect contemplated in this section of
the guidelines is an effect that arises in markets where “capacity
distinguishes firms and shapes the nature of their competition”.53 In such
markets, when the merging parties have a combined
share of at least 35%, the
guidelines stipulate that the merged firm “may find it profitable to raise
price and reduce joint
output below the sum of their premerger outputs because
the lost markups on the foregone [sic] sales may be outweighed by the resulting
price increase on the
merged base of sales”.54
The key issue in this setting is seen as the ability of the non-merging firms to respond to a price increase by the merged entity with “increases in their own outputs sufficient in the aggregate to make the unilateral action of the merged firm unprofitable”.55 Clearly, if products are close substitutes, and competitors can quickly and easily expand their productive capacities, anticompetitive behaviour will be difficult to accomplish or maintain. As previously indicated, whether or not such a response is
47 US Guidelines, s 2.211.
48 The guidelines later acknowledge as much in
s 2.212, which recognises that if a buyer’s other options include
“an equally
competitive seller not formerly considered, then the merger is
not likely to lead to a unilateral elevation of prices”.
49 Areeda P,
Hovenkamp P and Solow J, Antitrust Law (2002), Vol 4, Part 2, Ch 9,
50 The requirement that the merged firm enjoy a monopoly or dominant
position was articulated in the recent unilateral effects case,
United States
of America v Oracle Corporation 331 F Supp 2d 1098 at 1118 (ND Cal 2004),
discussed below. Whether the court was correct in this approach has been debated
in the United States: see,
for example, the commentary on the case by various
authors in “Roundtable Discussion: Unilateral Effects Analysis After
(2005) 19(2) Antitrust 8.
51 Starek and Stockum, n 32 at
52 US Guidelines, s 2.22.
53 US Guidelines, s 2.22.
54 US
Guidelines, s 2.22.
55 US Guidelines, s 2.22.
possible or feasible will
depend in part on the cost advantages enjoyed by the merged firm. The guidelines
indicate that it is the
ability to expand output within two years without
increasing costs that is relevant.56
Notwithstanding the 35% presumption in the guidelines, many argue that market
share in this
setting, as in the first setting, should not be seen
necessarily as a reliable indicator of unilateral market power:
Anti-competitive prices are only profitable when buyers have limited opportunities to substitute. If buyers have access to suppliers that are able to supply them with a relatively homogeneous product, the market share of such firms is of limited significance to the effect of potential substitution on a firm’s market power. Thus, the importance of market share in this type of market is predominantly its potential reflection of constraints on firms’ productive capacities.57
In antitrust law, market definition is seen as the first step in an essentially structural analysis of the competitive effects of a particular transaction, including a merger. In particular, it is necessary so as to facilitate the calculation of market shares and levels of concentration which, in the case of mergers, are relied upon to classify the acquisition as presumptively legal or illegal. If the latter, a range of other factors are then considered; however, traditionally, it has still been delineation of the relevant market and calculation of shares and concentration in that market on which the fate of the merger has hinged.58
In the United States this structural approach to merger regulation was
established by a series of early Supreme Court cases, starting
with United
States v Columbia Steel Co [1948] USSC 97; 334 US 495 (1948) which introduced the term
“relevant market” in 1948 and was the first horizontal merger case
to focus intensely
on market shares.59 The court dismissed the challenge to the
merger, and congressional dissatisfaction with that result was significant
precipitating amendment of the merger law in 1950.60
Thereafter, the basic
principles followed by the lower courts were established in the first two
Supreme Court decisions in horizontal
merger cases that arose for substantive
determination under the 1950 amendments.61 In Brown Shoe Co v United States
370 US 294 (1962) (Brown Shoe), the Supreme Court held that
“the proper definition of the market is a ‘necessary
predicate’ to an examination
of the competition that may be affected by
the horizontal aspects of the merger” (at 335). The court established
criteria for
market delineation (discussed further below), and market shares
were emphasised in its analysis of anticompetitive effects (at 325,
343). In
United States v Philadelphia National Bank [1963] USSC 166; 374 US 321 (1963) the court
held that a merger which produces a firm controlling an undue percentage share
of the relevant market, and results
in a significant increase in the
concentration of firms in the market, is so inherently likely to lessen
competition substantially
that it must be enjoined in the absence of evidence
clearly showing that the merger is not likely to have such anticompetitive
(at 363).
56 US Guidelines, s 2.22.
57 Starek and Stockum, n 32 at 820.
58 Note
(no author cited), “Analyzing Differentiated-Product Mergers: The
Relevance of Structural Analysis” (1998) 111
Harv LR 2420 at 2423
(referred to hereafter as “Harvard Law Review Note”).
59 Harvard
Law Review Note, n 58 at 508, 512-513.
60 Columbia Steel [1948] USSC 97; 334 US 495
(1948) was decided under the original Clayton Act enacted in 1914. The
original s 7 prohibited the acquisition by one corporation of the stock of
another if the effect “may be
to substantially lessen competition between
such corporations”. The Celler-Kefauver Act 1950 amended the
relevant test under the Clayton Act so as to prohibit mergers the effect
of which may be to “substantially lessen competition – in any line
of commerce –
in any section of the country”. See generally Werden
G, “The History of Antitrust Market Delineation” (1992) 76
Marquette Law Review 123 at 129-130.
61Werden G, “Simulating the
Effects of Differentiated Products Mergers: A Practical Alternative to
Structural Merger Policy”
(1997) 5 (Spring) George Mason Law Review
363 at 364-365.
The Supreme Court has not revisited these decisions and
their basic tenets have been followed faithfully and consistently in the lower
courts.62 It thus has been the US Guidelines, as promulgated by the federal
agencies, that have been the most influential articulation
and extension of the
approach stipulated in Brown Shoe and Philadelphia National
Bank.63 Notably, when the guidelines were first published by the Department
of Justice in 1982, commentators singled out their approach
to market definition
as “their most important contribution”,64 their “noteworthy
intellectual feat”65 and
“their most innovative aspect”.66
Since then, many courts have followed the structural approach taken in the
including the approach advocated specifically in relation to market
There is some irony in the fact that, at about the same time as the structural paradigm was being endorsed by the Supreme Court, probably the most influential economic criticism of the market definition-market share approach was being formulated.68 This criticism was most strident in the context of differentiated industries. In 1950 Edward Chamberlin, the pre-eminent economic authority in the United States on product differentiation, dismissed the whole idea of structural analysis, observing:
“Industry” or “commodity” boundaries are a snare and a delusion – in the highest degree arbitrarily drawn, and, wherever drawn, establishing at once wholly false implications both as to competition of substitutes within their limits, which supposedly stops at their borders, and as to the possibility of ruling on the presence or absence of oligopolistic forces by the simple device of counting the number of producers included.69
Chamberlin’s objections have been emphasised repeatedly, as well as elaborated upon, in the economic literature since then.70 However, it was not until the mid-1990s that they began to be reflected in official merger regulation policy in the United States. From about this time it became evident that the Federal Trade Commission had:
begun to eschew the “traditional” structural method of proving harm to competition in favour of a more fashionable and flexible approach. Gone are the days when a precisely delineated market definition and rigid structural market analysis were invariably the starting point in [antitrust] cases. Indeed, the position often now articulated by the Federal Trade Commission is that a rigorous structural analysis, including market definition, is essentially unnecessary where it believes there is “direct” evidence of harm to competition.71
Notably, these observations are not confined to agency policy in the merger context. There were even earlier signs of a shift to a so-called “direct effects” approach in relation to non-merger
62Werden, n 61 at 365.
63 The first version of these guidelines was
published by the Department of Justice in 1968 and they were revised in 1982
1984. The next, 1992, revision was published jointly by the Department
and the Federal Trade Commission.
64 Baker D and Blumenthal W, “The
1982 Guidelines and Preexisting Law” (1983) 71 California Law Review
311 at 322.
65 Ordover J and Willig R, “The 1982 Department of
Justice Merger Guidelines: An Economic Assessment” (1983)
California Law Review 535 at 539.
66 Baxter W, “Responding
to the Reaction: The Draftsman’s View” (1983) 71 California Law
Review 618 at 622; Sullivan L,
“The New Merger Guidelines: An
Afterword” (1983) 71 California Law Review 632 at 638.
G, “Market delineation under the Merger Guidelines: A Tenth Anniversary
Retrospective” (1993) 38 (Fall) Antitrust Bulletin 517 at 518-519
(see cases cited in n 8).
68 See, eg, Mason E, “The Current Status of
the Monopoly Problem in the United States” (1949) 62 Harv LR 1265 at
69 Chamberlin E, “Product Heterogeneity and Public Policy”
(1950) 40 American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings) 85 at
70 See, eg, Werden and Rozanski, n 45 at 40, observing that
“[o]ne may object to nuance and tone in Chamberlin’s comment
but his
basic observations about the limitations of delineated markets and market shares
are unassailable and remain at the heart
of merger litigation involving
differentiated products”.
71 Keyte and Stoll, n 1 at 593. See also the
observation in Stoll N and Goldfein S, “Markets! We Don’t Need
(2003) 229 New York Law Journal 3, that:
“Increasingly, the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice are
placing more emphasis on the identification
of close substitutes than upon the
precise delineation of product market boundaries. Simply stated, if competitive
harm is predicted
to result from the elimination of a close rivalry of the
merging firms’ products, it becomes unnecessary to delineate precisely
bounds of the relevant product market.”
transactions. However, unlike
in the merger arena, such an approach has received judicial, including Supreme
Court, endorsement in
both anticompetitive agreement and monopolisation cases.72
The first Supreme Court articulation of a concept of “direct
occurred in Federal Trade Commission v Indiana Federation of
Dentists [1986] USSC 113; 476 US 447 (1986), in which the court held that the defendant could
be found in violation of the Sherman Act 1890 even though the Commission
had failed to undertake “elaborate market analysis”.73 The case
involved a group boycott that
restricted the supply of dental information to
insurance companies. The court stated that proof of market power is a
for detrimental effects” (at 460). Therefore,
“proof of actual detrimental effects, such as a reduction of output”
(at 460) could eliminate the need to examine market power, and hence to engage
in a market definition exercise in order to determine
whether the defendant
possesses such power. The
Commission had shown that the horizontal restraint
at issue had reduced output well below
competitive levels, so that (as was
held) a demonstration of market power on the part of the defendant Association
was unnecessary.
United States’ courts have since applied the same
reasoning in numerous other non-merger cases.74
This approach is seen as an abbreviated version of the full rule of reason
analysis.75 It allows for plaintiffs to meet the burden
of proving
anticompetitive effects “directly” through evidence of actual
adverse effects on price, output or other competitive
dynamics rather than
“indirectly” through a structural analysis of the defendant’s
market power and an inference
that the impugned transaction will injure
competition. Such an approach, it has been said, has become a standard mechanism
by which
the Federal Trade Commission and private plaintiffs “can avoid
the market definition quagmire of a standard rule of reason
In the merger context, it is associated with unilateral effects and has
generated a movement in merger cases to
define more narrowly the market in which
the parties engage in competition. Indeed, some have even observed that in such
cases where
there is evidence of actual detrimental effects, market definition
has been treated as “a mere formality, if not
The Department of Justice is said to have initiated a move away from market
definition and
structural analysis in the merger context in United States
v The Gillette Company 828 F Supp 78 (DDC 1993) (Gillette). In that
case the government challenged a proposed merger between two pen manufacturers,
arguing that the relevant market was for
“high quality refillable fountain
pens that have an established premium image among consumers” (at [4]).
Although a market
as such was pleaded, the government’s expert economist
offered his opinion about the unilateral effects of the merger without
to market definition. Specifically, Dr Rozanski testified that his analysis of
competitive effects involved considering
only the products that are “close
substitutes” to the fountain
72 For a review of recent cases, see Keyte and Stoll, n 1 at 612-624.
Keyte and Stoll, n 1 at 613.
74 See Keyte and Stoll, n 1 at 613-624. But note
that its interpretation has not been free of controversy. In a recent 7th
court decision, for example, the Indiana Federation of Dentists
approach was read narrowly, the court concluding that evidence of actual
anticompetitive effects can suffice to meet an antitrust
burden solely in horizontal, not vertical cases. In vertical cases, plaintiffs
must prove at least the “rough
contours” of a relevant market and
substantial market shares. The court also appeared to denigrate the value of
actual effects
evidence, characterising it as a “relaxed”
evidentiary standard compared to market share evidence and implying that
on direct evidence in the “wrong” context could lead to
false positives and hence over-deterrence. See Republic Tobacco Co v North
Atlantic Trading Co [2004] USCA7 432; 381 F 3d 717 (7th Cir 2004), commented on in Gavil A,
“On the Utility of ‘Direct Evidence of Anticompetitive
(2005) 19(2) (Spring) Antitrust 59.
75 See
Leary T, Federal Trade Commissioner, A Structured Outline for the Analysis of
Horizontal Agreements (2003 Spring Meeting of the Antitrust Section of the
American Bar Association in Washington DC, 3-4 March 2004), available at
(viewed 13 September
2005): “Where the market effects of a particular restraint are likely to
be ambiguous the plaintiff’s
prima facie case typically defines a relevant
market and demonstrates that the restraint affects a significant share of that
It may not be necessary to define markets and calculate market shares,
however, if there is more direct evidence of likely or actual
effects on prices
or output ... This is still a full rule of reason analysis. Such analysis
involves proof of competitive market
effects, either based on direct evidence of
such effects or indirect inferences from market shares.”
76 Keyte and
Stoll, n 1 at 612.
77 Keyte and Stoll, n 1 at 626.
pens sold by the
merging parties.78 Ultimately, the court held that market definition was
required, that the appropriate product market
was broader than that alleged by
the government and that it should be defined as the market for all premium
writing instruments (at
[8]). Nevertheless, the case is seen as significant for
indicating a government view that “marketwide effects are not relevant
when a unilateral effects analysis shows that the merger will eliminate some
direct competition between the combining firms”.79
The subsequent case of Federal Trade Commission v Staples Inc 970 F
Supp 1066 (DDC 1997) (Staples) is widely regarded as one of the first
occasions on which the Commission was successful in a contested action in
detailed market analysis and emphasising direct unilateral
effects evidence.80 The proceeding concerned a proposed merger between
an office supplies superstore chain and its rival, Office Depot. From an
antitrust perspective, the focus was very much
on the definition of the market
in which these two firms competed. The Commission contended that the merged firm
would operate in
an extremely narrow and concentrated, “office-supply
superstores” market (at [5]). Staples characterised this definition
of the
market as “contrived” and countered that the appropriate product
market in which to assess the competitive consequences
of the merger was
market for the “sale of office supplies” (at [5]), of which a
combined Staples-Office Depot accounted for only 5.5% of
total sales in
In support of its position, the Commission presented data showing that the
prices for office
supplies were higher in locations with fewer superstores.
Thus, according to the pricing history of the two firms, it was the number
superstore firms that had the most significant effect on prices in the market.
Prices were lowest in three-chain markets, higher
in two-chain markets, and
highest in markets with a superstore monopoly. The difference in prices between
one-chain cities and three-chain
cities was approximately 13% (at [5]), a
significant difference in retailing where profits and profit margins are usually
only a
small percentage of sales volume.81 Describing this data as
“compelling” (at [7]), the court held that the Commission
discharged its burden in proving the alleged superstore market and further,
based on much the same evidence, that the proposed
merger would lead to
increased prices and hence would substantially lessen competition in that market
(at [10]-[11]). The
availability and strength of the pricing evidence has
been seen as making Staples unique.82
The court plainly had
reservations about accepting the Commission’s market definition and went
to some lengths to stress that
its findings should not be taken as a precedent
for outcomes in future cases.83 Nevertheless, in the end, the court’s
effectively were
trumped by the direct effects
78 Stoll and Goldfein, n 71.
79 Stoll and Goldfein, n 71.
80 Keyte and
Stoll, n 1 at 627.
81 Baer W and Balto D, “New Myths and Old Realities:
Recent Developments in Antitrust Enforcement” (1999) 2 Columbia
Business Law Review 207 at 217.
82 Keyte and Stoll, n 1 at 629. Its
significance was illustrated by a case that followed shortly thereafter,
United States v Long Island Jewish Medical Centre 983 F Supp 121 (FDNY,
1997), in which the government was unable to persuade the court to adopt its
unilateral effects argument, mounted in opposition
to a hospital merger. The
court was prepared to analyse the potential impact of the merger of two
hospitals based on an assessment
of “direct evidence”, said to show
that the merged entity would be able to raise prices unilaterally. However, it
that the evidence that was presented to this end was
speculative” (at 143), evidently being not of the same
calibre as the type of substantive economic data provided by the government
83 The court observed, for example, that: “it is
difficult to overcome the first blush or initial gut reaction of many people
the definition of the relevant product market as the sale of consumable office
supplies through office supply superstores. The
products in question are
undeniably the same no matter who sells them, and no one denies that many
different types of retailers sell
these products.” See Federal Trade
Commission v Staples Inc 970 F Supp 1066 (DDC 1997) at [7]. Having reviewed
the evidence and accepted the Commission’s proposed market, the court
concluded by saying: “In
addition, the Court is concerned with the broader
ramifications of this case. The superstore or ‘category killer’ like
office supply superstores are a fairly recent phenomenon and certainly not
restricted to office supplies ... It remains to be seen
if this case is sui
generis ... For these reasons, the Court must emphasize that the ruling in this
case is based strictly on the
facts of this particular case, and should not be
construed as this Court’s recognition of general superstore relevant
markets.” See Federal Trade Commission v Staples Inc 970 F
Supp 1066 (DDC 1997) at [16]-[18].
evidence.84 As one commentator has noted,
this evidence essentially “saved” what many regarded as an
narrow” market definition propounded by the Commission.85
At the same time, it should be noted that the court did not refer
to the theory
of “unilateral effects” as such and that, while Hogan J plainly
relied on the logic and evidence presented
in support of direct effects, he also
went to some lengths to apply other qualitative or “practical
indicia” traditionally
associated with the concept of a sub-market,
discussed below.86 It has been suggested that Hogan J adopted this traditional
“in a conscious effort to downplay novelty in order to avoid
creating an issue for appeal”.87
More recently, the government attempted to challenge a merger on the basis of a similarly narrow market definition in United States v Oracle Inc 331 F Supp 2d 1098 (ND Cal 2004) (Oracle). In that case, it sought to enjoin the acquisition by the software firm, Oracle, of a large competitor, PeopleSoft Inc. The government alleged that these two firms operated in a narrow market for enterprise resource planning system software used in human resource and financial management applications in large complex enterprises (at 1101 - 1107). The acquisition, it was argued, would lead to the loss of the localised competition said to exist between the two firms in this market (at 1116).
For reasons that appeared to relate primarily to deficiencies in its evidence, the court rejected the market definition submitted by the government, concluding that there was a wider range of software solutions, customers and vendors that would be relevant to assessing the competitive effects of the acquisition than was recognised by the government’s case.88 However, unlike in Staples, the court discussed at length and appeared to accept in express terms the economic theory of unilateral effects. Walker J was even encouraging of the presentation of econometric evidence in the proof of such effects.89 However, he also urged caution in relying on exceptionally narrow markets, particularly in differentiated products industries (at 1118-1123). The potential contradiction in this approach, together with several other features of the case, has made it a talking point in antitrust circles in the United States.90
Interpretation of the approach taken in and the ramifications of each of these cases, as well as others in which unilateral effects analysis has been argued,91 tends to differ depending on the perspective from which the interpretation is being offered. As previously indicated, there are those who point to these actions as proof of a slow but steady abandonment of the structural approach to merger enforcement by federal agencies. Agency officials, however, are not prepared to acknowledge as much. Indeed, some have gone so far as to argue that the framework set out in the US Guidelines,
84 Keyte and Stoll, n 1 at 629.
85 Grimes W, “Antitrust and
Systematic Bias Against Small Business: Kodak, Strategic Conduct and Leverage
Theory” (2001) 52 Case Western Reserve Law Review 231 at 274.
The court specifically equated the government unilateral effects analysis with
one of these indicia, “sensitivity to price
changes”: see Federal
Trade Commission v Staples Inc 970 F Supp 1066 at 1075 (DDC 1997).
Baker J, Econometric Analysis in FTC v Staples (Prepared Remarks of
Jonathan Baker, Director, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission Before
the American Bar Associations
Antitrust Section Economics Committee, 18 July
1997 (revised 31 March 1998) available at
(viewed 16 August 2005).
88 For
a review of the evidence in the case and the implications of the approach taken
by the court to the evidence, see Beaton-Wells
C, “Customer Testimony and
Other Evidence in Australian Antitrust Assessments: Searching for the
Oracle” (2005) 33 ABLR 448.
89 The judge observed, for example, that
“modern econometric methods hold promise in analyzing differentiated
products unilateral
effects cases”. In particular, Walker J referred to
merger simulation models that “may allow more precise estimations
likely competitive effects and eliminate the need to, or lessen the impact of,
the arbitrariness inherent in defining the relevant
market”. See United
States v Oracle Inc 331 F Supp 2d 1098 at 1122 (ND Cal 2004). These models
are discussed below.
90 See, for example, the commentary by various authors
in “Interpreting Oracle: The Future of Unilateral Effects Analysis”
(2005) 19(2) (Spring) Antitrust 8; The Oracle/PeopleSoft Decision: The
Implications for Merger Analysis in High-Tech Industries (Paper presented as
part of the Antitrust TeleSeminar Series organised by the Antitrust Law Section
of the American Bar Association,
4 November 2004 (slides on file with
91 See, for example, New York v Kraft General Foods Inc 926
F Supp 321 (SDNY 1995); Federal Trade Commission v Swedish Match 131 F
Supp 2d 151 (DDC 2000).
including the preliminary requirement of market
definition, continues to be applied.92 This is so
despite the fact that
uncontested agency action taken against a growing number of proposed mergers has
been based on very narrow product
groupings (“refrigerated
pickles”93 and “super-premium ice-cream”,94 among them) that
traditionally would
have been difficult to characterise as antitrust markets. In
each of these cases, the Commission’s position has been that,
eliminating the head-to-head competition between the two firms in question, the
proposed merger would lead to higher prices for
the relevant products. This was
sufficient to satisfy the agency that the merger would lessen competition
substantially, thus making
an “elaborate market analysis”
As the patchy record of the government’s litigated actions attests, however, it is by no means clear that the United States courts are ready to embrace merger analysis without market definition, or even merger analysis based on the narrow markets involved in the application of unilateral effects theory.96
This has prompted observations that: While the movement away from the old “mechanical” approach using rigorously defined markets and market share analysis is “accelerating” it is “unclear how far the agencies will take it or whether a court would ever go all the way and forego the use of market definition, market share and concentration”.97
And, further:
it can be expected that courts will be more than a little reluctant to abandon Supreme Court precedent, even when it is more than a third of a century old. More recent Supreme Court precedent may have to pave the way.98
Whether Australian regulators or courts are likely to embrace an approach to
merger analysis based on unilateral effects that excludes
the step of market
definition is a question that raises the following issues:
• the status
of market definition as a statutory requirement in Australia;
• the
nature and purpose of that requirement in competition law analysis;
• the extent to which the so-called “direct effects” of
a merger are susceptible to “proof” in either
the agency or
adversarial context.
Market definition as a statutory requirement
As stated at the outset, in Australian competition law, market definition has been seen as “the essential first step” in an assessment of the likely competitive effects of a merger (as well as other transactions subject to a competition test). This was the terminology employed in the landmark statement by the Tribunal in Re Queensland Co-Operative Milling Association Ltd (1976) 25 FLR 169 at 189; [1976] ATPR 40-012 (QCMA), explaining its approach to the concept of a market for the purposes of the
92 Baer and Balto, n 81 at 218. Cf Leary, n 75.
93 See Federal Trade
Commission Press Release, “Federal Trade Commission Votes to Challenge
Hicks Muse’s Proposed
Acquisition of Claussen Pickle Company”, 22
October 2002. The merger was subsequently abandoned (see Keyte and Stoll, n
at 629).
94 See Stoll and Goldfein, n 71.
95 Keyte and Stoll, n 1 at
96 For a summary of recent cases in which courts have rejected
so-called “localised effects markets”, see Rill, n 18 at
97 Keyte and Stoll, n 1 at 630.
98Werden, n 61 at 385; see also
Blumenthal W, Why Bother? On Market Definition under the Merger Guidelines
before the FTC/DOJ Merger Enforcement Workshop, 17 February
2004 (copy on file with author)), noting that: “[t]he case law seems
require market definition, and it seems to require a stepwise approach in which
market definition precedes analysis of competitive
effect. One can only imagine
the blizzard of quotations from Supreme Court cases that would confront any
agency effort to do otherwise.”
Cf the view expressed in Burton T,
“Unilateral Effects Analysis in Assessing Anti-Competitive Mergers: The
Judicially Approved
New Approach to Challenging Mergers” (1999) 43 St
Louis University Law Journal 1481.
TPA. Five months later the Swanson
Committee approved the Tribunal’s approach and recommended that a
definition of the term
be inserted in the Act.99 The definition subsequently
inserted is found in s 4E which provides that, for the purposes of the Act,
“market” means:
[A] market in Australia and, when used in relation to any goods or services, includes a market for those goods or services and other goods or services that are substitutable for or otherwise competitive with, the first mentioned goods or services.
The QCMA approach to market definition has been followed consistently by Australian courts.100 It has been emphasised nevertheless that the identification of the relevant market should not be regarded as an end in itself, but rather as a means to an end, that end being resolution of the substantive issue, that is the likely effects on competition of the conduct at hand. This is generally what is meant by reference to “market” as an “instrumental”101 concept and to market definition as an exercise that should be approached purposively.102
Taken to an extreme, the purposive approach might be seen to warrant
abandoning market
definition as an anterior step altogether, and subsuming
the matters with which it is concerned
(demand and supply substitutes) into
the substantive competition analysis. This is an argument favoured by some
Australian commentators
who are critical generally of the traditional
“structure- conduct-performance” paradigm that has underpinned much
the competition law analysis in Australia to date.103 It is not an argument
that appears as yet to have made inroads into the traditional
two-step approach
applied by the ACCC, the Tribunal and the courts. It does raise the question,
however, as to whether the establishment
of a “market” is in fact a
requirement made mandatory by the provisions of the TPA. As pointed out in a
recent paper
by Brewster and O’Bryan, that question can only be answered
in the affirmative.104 According to Brewster and O’Bryan’s
in Pt IV of
the TPA:
the expressions “market” and “competition” are each used in a specific way and as discrete concepts. Competition is a process that occurs within a market. Furthermore, it is frequently necessary to identify the market in which a corporation competes in order to establish liability under the TPA. For example, s 45(2) generally prohibits contracts that substantially lessen competition. However, s 45(3) specifies that an agreement will only be unlawful in so far as it lessens competition in a market in which a party to the contract (or a related body corporate) competes. It is therefore a necessary element of a contravention to identify such a market ... Section 47(13)(c) also limits examination of competitive effect to markets in which the supplier or acquirer compete. The separate identification of a market is also a necessary step in s 50 analysis. Under sub-section (1), an acquisition will be prohibited if it has the likely effect of substantially lessening competition in any market. However, under sub-section (3), the court must have regard to various matters that relate to the specific market in which the acquisition
is alleged to have an anti-competitive effect including:
(a) the actual and potential of import competition in the market;
(b) the height of barriers to entry to the market;
99 Trade Practices Act Review Committee, Report to the Minister for
Business and Consumer Affairs (August 1976),
100 See,
in particular, by the High Court in Queensland Wire Industries Pty Ltd v
Broken Hill Proprietary Company Ltd [1989] HCA 6; (1989) 167 CLR 177, and in every High
Court and Federal Court decision involving the issue of market since
101 Re John Dee (Export) Pty Ltd [1989] ATPR 40-938 at 50,219.
See similarly the statements made, for example, in
Queensland Wire
Industries Pty Ltd v Broken Hill Proprietary Company Ltd [1989] HCA 6; (1989) 167 CLR 177
at 187, 200; Arnotts Ltd v Trade Practices Commission [1990] FCA 473; (1990) 24 FCR 313
at 328.
102 For explanations of this approach, see, eg, Norman N and Williams
P, “The Analysis of Market and Competition Under The Trade Practices Act:
Towards the Resolution of Some Hitherto Unresolved Issues” (1983) 11 ABLR
396 at 406; Brunt M, “‘Market Definition’ Issues in Australian
and New Zealand Trade Practices Litigation” (1990) 18 ABLR 86 at 104,
103 See, eg, Robertson, n 9; Smith R and Round D, “A Strategic
Behaviour Approach to Evaluating Competitive Conduct” (1998)
Agenda 25; Round D and Smith R, “The Strategic Approach to Merger
Enforcement by the ACCC: A Comment” (1998) 26 ABLR 227; Smith R and Round
D, “Competition Assessment and Strategic Behaviour” (1998) 19
European Competition Law Review 225 at 232-233; Round D and Smith R,
“Strategic Behaviour and Taking Advantage of Market Power: How to Decide
if the Competitive
Process is Really Damaged?” (2001) 19(4) New Zealand
Universities Law Review 427.
104 Brewster D and O’Bryan N,
Market Definition – Drawing Imaginary lines? (Paper delivered at
Trade Practices Conference hosted by Law Council of Australia, 2004 (copy on
file with author)).
(c) the level of concentration in the market;
(d) the degree of countervailing power in the market; ...
(f) the extent to which substitutes are available in the market or are likely to be available in the
(g) the dynamic characteristics of the market, including growth, innovation and product differentiation;
(h) the likelihood that the acquisition would result in the removal from the market of a vigorous and effective competitor;
(i) the nature and extent of vertical integration in the market.
The Court cannot undertake the task required by sub-section (3) unless the
relevant market is first
identified.105 To this analysis, reference to s
50(6) should be added. That provision states that in s 50 “market”
refers to a “substantial market for goods or services” in Australia,
a State or Territory, or region
of Australia. As pointed out in the Australian
Guidelines, “only when the relevant market has been delineated, can its
be determined”.106 Hence, s 50(6) provides additional
support for the view that market definition is a mandatory step in the
application of the substantive prohibition
in s 50.
If market delineation is a statutory requirement, the next question is
whether this necessarily
precludes an approach to merger enforcement based on
unilateral effects analysis along the lines developing in the United States.
Section 7 of the Clayton Act requires the appraisal of a merger in some
“line of commerce” and some “section of the country”.
This language
has been equated with a requirement of market definition.107 As
previously indicated, in Brown Shoe 370 US 294 (1962) (just as in QCMA
(1976) 25 FLR 169; [1976] ATPR 40-012), definition of the relevant market(s)
in terms of both product and geographic area was described as a “necessary
to making a determination about anticompetitive effects.108
Since then, in broad terms and applying the language of s 7, the judicial
approach generally has been to determine: (1) the “line of commerce”
or product market in which to assess the transaction;
(2) the “section of
the country” or geographic market in
which to assess the transaction;
and (3) the transaction’s probable effect on competition in those product
and geographic markets.109
The US Guidelines reflect this approach.110
Unilateral effects theorists do not regard the terms of s 7 and the
significance that has been
attached traditionally to market definition by the
courts as impeding a direct assessment of the
competitive effects of a merger
(as distinct from an indirect structural assessment). Instead they argue that
even in employing the
direct effects approach, market delineation remains an
element of the conceptual framework. The only difference is that, rather than
being the first step in or precondition to the analysis, it becomes a
consequence or product of the analysis.111 This shift in role
for market
definition is reflected in comments made by Areeda, Hovenkamp and Solow,
explaining the appropriate conclusion to be drawn
from a finding of unilateral
market power: In cases in which a merger facilitates a significant
“unilateral” price increase
for a grouping of sales that was not a
distinctive-looking market prior to the merger, the appropriate conclusion is
that the merger
105 Brewster and O’Bryan, n 104, pp 5-7.
106 Australian Guidelines,
107 Areeda et al, n 49 at [913a].
108 Brown Shoe Co v United
States 370 US 294 at 335 (1962).
109 United States of America v Oracle
Corporation 331 F Supp 2d 1098 at 1110-1111 (ND Cal 2004). In Oracle
Walker J
expressed concern that defining narrow markets, in reliance on a
concept of localised competition, could result in markets
“defined so
narrowly that one begins to question whether the market constitutes a
‘line of commerce’ as required
by section 7”
110 See US Guidelines, s 1.
111 Two alternative approaches to this
approach have been suggested by Blumenthal: (1) “to retain market
definition as an initial
step in the analysis, but ... import much of the
competitive effects analysis into that step. Market definition and competitive
would be simultaneously determined”; (2) an iterative approach
– “beginning with a quick ‘virtual’
market definition
that identifies candidate problem markets, proceeds to competitive effects
analysis, and returns to ‘confirmation
of market definition’ as a
late step.” See Blumenthal, n 98.
has facilitated the emergence of a
new grouping of sales capable of being classified as a relevant
market. This
formulation meets the statutory requirement that the “effect” of a
merger is anticompetitive
in some “line of commerce” and in some
“section of the country.” That is, § 7’s
usage invites
consideration of the market’s
structure after the merger rather than before, and if a new grouping of
can be said to constitute a relevant market after the merger, that is an
appropriate grouping for
measuring the merger’s competitive
This explanation has certain logical appeal. It also does not
appear necessarily to fall foul of the statutory regime in Australia.
There is
nothing in the TPA stipulating expressly that definition of a relevant market be
undertaken prior to, rather than as a consequence
of, an analysis of competitive
effects.113 There may be a concern, however, that what is identified as a result
of the effects analysis
is in fact a sub-market, rather than a market.114 This
is of concern given that it is identification of the latter and not the former
that is mandated by the relevant Pt IV prohibitions.
The concept of a
submarket was referred to in QCMA (1976) 25 FLR 169; [1976] ATPR 40-012
and other early Tribunal decisions as involving what is essentially a segment or
sub-set of a market in which the competition between
substitutes is especially
intense.115 Notwithstanding its lack of statutory profile, the Tribunal
suggested in these decisions that
the concept may be helpful as an analytical
tool, “in clarifying how competition [in the market] works”.116 By
in the United States, the early treatment of submarkets gave them a
much greater significance. In Brown Shoe 370 US 294 at 325 (1962) the
Supreme Court explained that:
[t]he outer boundaries of a product market are determined by the reasonable interchangeability of use or the cross-elasticity of demand between the product itself and substitutes for it.
The court went on to state (at 325) that:
within this broad market, well-defined submarkets may exist which, in themselves, constitute product markets for antitrust purposes. The boundaries of such a submarket may be determined by examining such practical indicia as industry or public recognition of the submarket as a separate economic entity, the product’s peculiar characteristics and uses, unique production facilities, distinct consumers, distinct prices, sensitivity to price changes, and specialized vendors.
The Brown Shoe distinction between markets and submarkets has attracted substantial criticism in the United States117 and is not adopted in the US Guidelines. It is not surprising then that supporters of direct unilateral effects analysis have been quick to point out that the “new grouping of sales”118 identified as a result of such analysis is not to be equated with a submarket. Areeda et al have made it clear, for example, that in the context of unilateral effects, there should not be:
a return to the language of “submarkets” – for example, one might say that while the relevant market in the hypothetical market (sic) of firms A, B, C ... J consists of the sales of these ten firms, a relevant submarket exists for the sales of merging firms B and C. Historically the term “submarket” has been used to identify artificially narrow groupings of sales on the basis of non-economic criteria having little to do with the ability to raise price above cost. After the merger occurs, postmerger firm BC can raise its
112 Areeda et al, n 49. See a similar argument made in Baker J,
“Product Differentiation Through Space and Time: Some Antitrust
Issues” (1997) 42 (Spring) Antitrust Bulletin 177, in which the
then Director, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission, advocated a notion
of “res ipsa loquitur market
113 Note in this regard
the observation by Robertson that: “Even if the Australian competition
legislation does require that
there be a substantial lessening of competition
‘in a market’, the real question for courts and regulators is what
market definitions play; do they come first with the competition
analysis following after; or do they also come last, with the competition
analysis forming the basis for the conclusion as to the scope of the relevant
market in judicial or regulatory
decision.” See Robertson, n 9 at
114 This concern has certainly been expressed in the United States where
the sub-market concept has fallen into disfavour: see, eg,
Baker, n 112.
Re Queensland Co-Operative Milling Association Ltd and Defiance Holdings Ltd
(1976) 25 FLR 169 at 190-191; [1976] ATPR 40-012; Re Tooth & Co Ltd;
Re Tooheys Ltd (1979) 39 FLR 1 at 39; [1979] ATPR 40-113.
116 Re Tooth
& Co Ltd; Re Tooheys Ltd (1979) 39 FLR 1 at 39; [1979] ATPR
117 A detailed review of the criticisms that have been made in case
law and commentary is set out in Werden, n 60.
118 Areeda et al, n 49 at
price significantly above cost, thus meeting the usual criteria for
market definition and not requiring the
confusing “submarket”
label. A somewhat better but by no means perfect usage is to say that the merger
facilitates the
appearance of a new, narrower grouping of sales, or
“market,” in which firm BC occupies a sufficiently strong position
so as to enable its price increase. In fact, the merger does not create such a
market because a cartel of firms B and C would also
have been able to increase
price profitably, indicating that B and C were already a relevant market.
However, before their union
B and C felt one another’s competition, as
well as that of other firms, more significantly than after the
Other United States commentators have expressed the view that the
sensitivity about submarkets is exaggerated.120 The basic point
being made in
Brown Shoe, they argue, is that there are varying degrees of substitution
among products. That concept – varying degrees of substitutability
is at the core of the unilateral effects doctrine which holds that a merged firm
may be able to raise price (or reduce output)
unilaterally if the products of
the merging companies are the first and second choices for customers
representing a substantial part
of the market, and other firms are unlikely to
be able to reposition their products to become closer substitutes for those of
merged firm.121 This is not the Brown Shoe submarket analysis, but
rather recognition that within a relevant market, it is possible for a merger to
eliminate localised competition
between particularly close substitutes.122 In
addition, it has
been argued that the “practical indicia”
identified by the court in Brown Shoe remain useful in defining markets
given that most of the indicia of submarkets identified in that case are related
to substitutability
in supply or demand. As explained by two former Federal
Trade Commission personnel:
The agencies use Brown Shoe criteria and measure unilateral effects to determine what cases to bring, because merger analysis requires the agencies to examine the relationship between products made by merging firms and to determine whether the cross elasticities between them are so much more significant than the relationships between products made by other firms that the merger will confer market power on the new firm. In a somewhat cruder sense, that is what Brown Shoe submarkets are all about. The Brown Shoe-Court clearly was looking for a way to suggest that some products within a broad market may be closer substitutes for one another than other products in the market. The use of unilateral effects analysis is a more focused and disciplined effort to measure those relationships. When there are unique relationships among products made by the merging firms, as evidenced by how the firms behave in the marketplace and by quantitative analysis of past pricing behavior, the merger poses competitive problems. In these situations, the issue of the precise boundaries of the market becomes, and should become, secondary.123
The distinction between markets and submarkets aside, there are possibly more
difficulties associated with an approach to merger analysis that
renders market definition something of an afterthought once the so-called
“direct” effects of the merger have been identified. Four such
issues, concerned with the nature and purpose of market
definition, are
discussed below. At least the first two have been raised and are as applicable
in the United States context as they
are in the Australian context.
The nature and purpose of market definition
First, the direct effects approach (and the empirical models employed in its service, discussed below) is very much focused on the loss of competition between the two merging firms, that is, on the loss of constraint that was imposed pre-merger by the acquired firm on the acquirer and vice versa. It is, in this sense, a very narrow inquiry. However, a comprehensive analysis of potential anticompetitive effects cannot be restricted in this way. All possible sources of constraint on the pricing discretion of
119 Areeda et al, n 49 at [913a].
120 Baer and Balto, n 81, n 21.
As reflected in the US Guidelines, s 2.21.
122 Baer and Balto, n 81, n
123 Baer and Balto, n 81 at 218-219.
the merged firm must be taken
into account, including constraints that may be imposed by the
behaviour of
other rival firms and by buyers, as well as ultimately by the prospects of new
Second, and related to the first point, using empirical models to predict
post-merger price
increases means that the direct effects inquiry is a
relatively static one. Of its nature, it may be seen as an inquiry into the
of a merger at a particular point in time and thus it fails to recognise
competition as a “process rather than a situation”.125
For this
additional reason, direct effects analysis (based on quantitative predictions of
price effects) should not be held up as
providing the complete answer to the
question of whether the merger will facilitate an exercise of unilateral market
power on the
part of the merged firm. This answer can only be found in an
analysis that takes full account of market-place dynamics and, in particular,
the likely responses of existing or potential competitors to an attempt by the
merger firm to raise prices or reduce output. Such
responses may not be
immediate but may nevertheless occur within sufficient time to allay concerns
about the competitive effects
of the merger in the long run.
Reservations about the narrow and static nature of a direct effects approach should be seen as catered for by the US Guidelines which, in assessing the extent to which the merger might facilitate or augment the power of the merged firm, require examination of repositioning by existing rivals as well as the prospects of new entry. However, there are those who argue that these elements of the analysis risk being overlooked or undermined by the direct effects approach. One observer of developments in the United States has argued, for example, that:
Although agency economists continue to acknowledge the Guidelines principles of market definition, competitive repositioning, and entry, these concepts seem to have been submerged in the econometric analysis shuffle. Instead, the economists appear to be employing an approach which undertakes to identify effects first, then define a relevant market and assess competitive responses later. This relegation of competitive dynamics analysis to the latter stages of merger review, after a price increase has already been predicted, represents a significant shift in the nature of merger enforcement at the federal agencies.
The Merger Guidelines reflect the recognition that federal antitrust enforcement agencies should take full measure of the “competitive story” surrounding a proposed transaction before concluding that it is likely to result in harm. The approach identified by the models’ advocates [referring to econometric models that predict price effects, discussed below], however, would allow the agencies to forego [sic] this analysis up-front on the basis that the models offer a more precise measure of post-merger pricing incentives ... [A]doption of this approach is tantamount to the creation of a presumption that all differentiated products mergers will result in competitive harm, absent some countervailing market force. Such a shift in the analytical paradigm, though theoretically subtle, is practically dangerous, particularly when the reliability of the models is hampered by limiting assumptions and/or data availability.126
In Australia, the very process of market definition is seen as playing a significant role in ensuring that all of the relevant sources of effective constraint operating on the firm in question are identified. That is consistent with its role in the discipline of economics. As one member of the ACCC has
124 The narrowness of the inquiry is, to a significant extent, a function of
the empirical techniques, discussed below, that are invoked
in aid of a
“direct effects” analysis. See the comments to this effect made in
King, n 37, p 5. One of the leading United
States proponents of merger
simulation, Werden, for example, has conceded that this empirical technique
“does not, as it is
generally practiced, allow the investigation of
prospects for entry or product repositioning; they are assumed away. And
perfectly possible that firms in the real world do not play the same
strategies that they do in the model, so it’s not necessarily
the case
that merger simulation tells you what’s actually going to happen after a
merger.” See Werden’s views expressed
in Whither Merger
Simulation, available at http://www.antitrustsource.com, May 2004 (viewed 20
September 2005).
125 Re Queensland Co-Operative Milling Association Ltd
and Defiance Holdings Ltd (1976) 25 FLR 169 at 190; [1976] ATPR 40-012.
Again, a concession to this effect has been made by Werden (referred to in the
preceding note) in relation to the use of merger simulations,
pointing out that
this technique “cannot predict the long-run evolution of an industry. It
cannot say much about entry or product
repositioning; it cannot say much about
changes in marketing strategy. It indicates only relatively short-term effects:
how prices
will be adjusted by the merging firms after the merger, and how the
non-merging firms will respond to those price changes.”
See Werden’s
views expressed in Whither Merger Simulation, available at http://
www.antitrustsource.com, May 2004 (viewed 20 September 2005).
126 Rill, n 18
at 401-402.
described it recently:
From the perspective of merger analysis, an economic approach means that defining the market involves the process of laying out the field of inquiry – what participants, both from the demand-side and the upply-side are likely to influence whether or not the acquisition in question will lead to a substantial essening of competition? Market definition is not conclusive. It is not an attempt to determine any potential lessening of competition directly. Rather, market definition lays out the boundaries ofanalysis.127
Market definition also ensures that market-place dynamics are taken into
account by requiring that otential constraints, on both the
demand and supply
sides, be factored into the analysis.128 Thus, as Maureen Brunt has put it, the
market concept serves “to
define what is relevant and why. It supplies a
check-list of considerations that bear on market constraints of business
Approached in this way, market definition sets the scene
for an assessment of whether and the extent to which the conduct in question
this context, the merger) is likely to remove or weaken the constraints that
represent competition at work. As such, the process
of defining the market does
far more than provide a basis for calculating market shares and concentration
levels.130 Rather, it provides
“the basis for a complete competition
analysis”,131 and in this sense, is truly purposive. There is conceptual
clarity in this approach, the value of which ought not be
underestimated. Some or all of this clarity may be lost in the re-ordering
the analysis advocated by United States theorists such as Areeda et al.
The third issue raised by the possibility of defining the relevant market at
only the post-merger
stage of the analysis is that it would be inconsistent
with the well-established requirement in
Australian merger law that the
merger’s effects be assessed by comparing competition in the market with
the merger and without
the merger.132 This approach allows for the appraisal of
competitive effects to be evaluative, that is for the appraisal to determine
whether an anticipated lessening of competition is likely in fact to be
substantial, as is required by the terms of s 50. It is difficult
to understand
how the comparison critical to such an evaluation might be undertaken if there
is, in effect, no assessment made of
the state of competition in the market
without the merger.
Finally, there is an argument that market definition is superfluous given
that it is based on the same test (the SSNIP test) as the
test employed to
ascertain competitive effects. It is true that if, in defining the market, it is
evident that the merging firms
would find it profitable to impose a SSNIP, this
points to such firms constituting a market unto themselves as well as to the
being anticompetitive. However, the alternative scenario – in which
the merging firms would not be able to impose a SSNIP profitably
– must
also be considered. In such a scenario the market would be defined
broadly to include the competing firms to which buyers would turn in response to
the SSNIP (thereby rendering it unprofitable).
The SSNIP test thus plays an
important part in ensuring that market boundaries are suitably drawn for the
purposes of the competition
analysis to follow – an analysis in which the
profitability of a price increase by the merged entity is but one of a number
considerations relevant to assessing potential merger outcomes.133
127 King, n 37, p 3.
128 See Queensland Wire Industries Pty Ltd v
Broken Hill Proprietary Company Ltd [1989] HCA 6; (1989) 167 CLR 177 at 196, 199, 200,
129 Brunt, n 102 at 112.
130 This is not to suggest that such
information is of no value whatsoever. At the very least it plays an important
practical role
in assisting regulatory authorities to distinguish between
potentially problematic mergers and those that are unlikely to raise competition
concerns (where the merger in question is between two firms with low market
shares, for example). It also provides valuable guidance
for the business
community in this respect.
131 King, n 37, p 7.
132 This test has its
origin in the reasons of the Full Court of the Federal Court in Outboard
Marine Australia Pty Ltd v Hecar Investments (No 6) Pty Ltd [1982] FCA 265; (1982) 66 FLR
120. See, more recently, Stirling Harbour Services Pty Ltd v Bunbury Port
Authority [2000] FCA 1381; [2000] ATPR 41-783 at 41,267 [12].
133 See King, n 37, pp
To make this point, King has argued that a distinction ought to be
drawn between an “informal” and a “formal”
test.134 The former, he argues, is the version of the test employed in Australia
for the purposes of market definition. Rather
than testing literally for the
prospects of a post-acquisition price increase, it acts more as a “thought
to prompt the analyst to consider all possible sources of
potential constraint on the merged entity. King points out also that the
test in
this form is not the only market definition tool available.136 Others include a
range of factors that are listed in the Australian
Guidelines such as the
end-uses of possible substitute products, the past behaviour of buyers, pricing
correlations, switching costs,
and so on.137
The so-called “formal” SSNIP test, by contrast, is directed specifically at the issue of competitive effects. Employing empirical techniques (discussed below), it asks and attempts to answer directly the question whether the merger will lead to a price increase imposed unilaterally by the merged firm. However, in this context also, it should be seen as only one of several relevant tests given that it highlights only one kind of possible anticompetitive outcome. A merger may still result in a substantial lessening of competition (for example, through reduction in quality, service or range) even if the merging parties fail to pass the formal SSNIP test.138
Proof of direct effects
To a significant degree, the shift in the United States away from the structural paradigm in analysing merger cases has been prompted by the development of new empirical techniques aimed at predicting unilateral price effects.139 These techniques, combining quantitative evidence with economic models of competition and firm behaviour, are used to determine whether, and to what extent, a merger will allow a firm to increase prices unilaterally after the merger. Such empirically derived predictions of post-merger prices are referred to as “direct” in the sense that they do not require definition of a market and assignment market shares.140 They have become an increasingly popular tool in the armoury of the United States’ agencies responsible for reviewing merger proposals.141
The argument that is made in favour of forgoing the market definition process and relying upon empirical predictions has been described in the United States as “simple and powerful”.142 As previously stated, market definition is seen as merely a means to an end. The end is to prevent firms from acquiring or increasing market power, that is, in basic terms, the power to raise prices to supra-competitive levels. Thus, so it is argued, “defining the market is unnecessary if econometric techniques can produce reliable and accurate predictions of price effects”.143 A similar view has been expressed recently by an Australian commentator, observing that:
The historic importance given to market definition in competition policy is overdone. If market definition were given the prominence proportional to its economic role, it would be relegated to not much more than a footnote. Instead, the focus would be placed on techniques for directly measuring the ability of firms to profitably raise prices. It is possible to carry out the task of competition policy
134 King, n 37, pp 28-32.
135 King, n 37, p 29.
136 King, n 37, p
137 Australian Guidelines, [5.59], [5.62].
138 King, n 37, p
139 See, eg, Overstreet T, Keyte J and Gale J, “Understanding
Econometric Analysis of the Price Effects of Mergers Involving
Products” (1996) 10 (Summer) Antitrust 30; Werden G and Froeb L,
“The Effects of Mergers in Differentiated
Products Industries: Logit
Demand and Merger Policy” (1994) 10 Journal of Law, Economics and
Organisation 407; Werden,
n 61; Baker J, “Contemporary Merger
Analysis” (1997) 5 George Mason Law Review 347; Werden G and Froeb
L, “The
Antitrust Logit Model for Predicting Unilateral Competitive
Effects” (2002) 70 Antitrust Law Journal 252; Epstein R
Rubinfield D, “Merger Simulation: A Simplified Approach With New
Applications” (2002) 69 Antitrust Law Journal 883.
140 See
Hausman and Leonard, n 46 at 337-338; Werden and Rozanski, n 45 at 40,
141 See, eg, Shapiro C, “Mergers with Differentiated
Products” (1996) 10 (Spring) Antitrust 23 at 23.
142 Harvard Law
Review Note, n 58 at 2426.
143 Harvard Law Review Note, n 58 at 2426.
enforcement without any reference to market definition – and the results are likely to be more
consistent, predictable and more soundly based in economic realities ...
The key point here is to note that there are a variety of approaches to directly estimating market power and/or the competitive impact of a merger that competition authorities can and do, already, use. The business of competition policy, it seems, can be carried out in a quite satisfactory manner, even without bothering with market definition.144
The question in choosing between structural analysis and empirically based predictions is seen therefore as a simple question of which method better predicts such effects.145 Economists generally consider empirical analysis to be superior in this regard.146 With this method, the likelihood that a firm will be able to raise prices unilaterally as a result of the merger is said to depend less on the merging firms’ market shares or the concentration of an arbitrarily defined market than on whether consumers view the merging products as close substitutes and whether there are other products that are highly substitutable with the merging brands (matters on which market shares and concentration are said to be uninformative, if not potentially misleading).147
The market definition-market share analysis is seen as particularly problematic in differentiated products settings.148 One of the main reasons for this is that, in such settings, there is no clear break in the chain of substitutes. Rather, products are offered over a broad spectrum of price and quality, making decisions about which products should be included and which excluded from the market an uncertain and unavoidably arbitrary exercise.149 Economists harbour the concern (not entirely unfounded, as the recent decisions in Gillette 828 F Supp 78 (DDC 1993) and Oracle 331 F Supp 2d 1098 (ND Cal 2004), referred to above, attest) that, in such circumstances, courts tend to define markets broadly, resulting in the appearance of a low market share for the merged firm and hence the danger that the potential for the merger to create or strength unilateral market power will be underestimated.150
In addition, in differentiated product industries, firms compete on a range
of dimensions other
than price. As a result of this, products competing
against each other in such a setting may have widely divergent prices. The
that products bearing very different prices are in the same market
complicates the market definition exercise considerably.151 A
related concern
associated with market definition in differentiated product settings is that
differences between products will be
very much a matter of subjective customer
perception.152 There are problems in quantifying such differences and the
evidence of customer
perceptions is notoriously difficult to compile and
present, particularly in the context of litigation.153
Albeit attractive in their simplicity and not without merit, these arguments
not only undervalue
the conceptual importance of market definition as a
preliminary step in assessing competitive effects (as previously discussed),
also tend to overstate the practical utility of empirical models. From a
practical perspective, there is little doubt that quantitative
techniques have
their limitations as a source of evidence to prove the direct effects of a
merger, particularly in a litigated setting.
The most significant of such
limitations relate to data availability, choice of methodology and reliance on a
series of restrictive
assumptions. Thus, in comparing a market definition-led
approach with an
144 Biggar, n 36 at [8]; [69].
145 Biggar, n 36 at [62]-[64].
146 See,
eg, Shapiro, n 141; Werden and Rozanski, n 45; Hausman and Leonard, n 46.
Overstreet et al, n 139 at 31; Shapiro, n 141 at 28.
148 See generally Keyte
J, “Market Definition and Differentiated Products: The Need for a Workable
Standard” (1995) 63 Antitrust Law Journal 697; Werden and Hay, n
149Werden and Rozanski, n 45 at 40.
150Werden, n 61 at 368-369; Church
J and Ware R, Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach (2000) pp
151 Starek and Stockum, n 32 at 806-808.
152Werden and Rozanski,
n 45 at 42.
153 See the discussion of consumer evidence in Beaton-Wells C,
Proof of Antitrust Markets in Australia (Federation Press, 2003) Ch
econometric analysis-led approach, it has been pointed out that:
Just as market definition often determines the merger’s legality under the structural approach, choices of methodology, underlying assumptions, and data drive the outcome in econometric analyses. The reliability of a specific set of predictions stands or falls based on whether the assumptions underlying the econometric model used are consistent with the circumstances of the merger and whether the data used are reliable.154
In basic terms, empirical analysis, as utilised in differentiated product merger cases, involves the performance of a merger simulation.155 This involves estimating own-price and cross-price elasticities and predicting price effects from such estimates.156 A firm’s ability unilaterally to raise prices depends on the elasticities of demand and supply it faces. Given that the data necessary to construct a full system of demand and supply equations generally are not available,157 economists have developed models that can estimate elasticities and predict unilateral market power with a reduced data set.158 These models make many simplifying assumptions. Hence, the reliability of a particular model’s predictions is very much dependent on whether the assumptions underlying that model are consistent with reality.159
Once the relevant elasticities are estimated, post-merger prices and output
can be predicted using a simulation model.160 Merger simulation
is, in simple
terms, “a procedure through which the estimated demand parameters are
combined with pre-merger prices and outputs,
and processed systematically
through a conventional economic model of short profit maximisation”.161
The reliability of predictions
based on any given simulation model again depends
on the validity of the underlying assumptions as applied to the case in
Such assumptions relate to (1) competitive
interaction for the
industry and whether it follows Bertrand competition (ie
price-setting); (2) marginal cost and whether it varies in
the relevant range; and, most importantly, (3) the shape of the demand
for the products of interest.162 In relation to the first of these assumptions,
there is some debate over whether firms can
be assumed to behave consistently
with the Bertrand model of competition.163 The second assumption generally has
not proven to be
154 Harvard Law Review Note, n 58 at 2431.
155 There are other ways of
quantitatively predicting the unilateral effects of a merger; however, merger
simulations are the main
way and have certainly attracted the most attention and
debate in merger enforcement circles and the economic literature in recent
156 Own price elasticity is a measure of the responsiveness of
quantity demanded of a product resulting from a change in its own price.
price elasticity of demand is a measure of the responsiveness of quantity
demanded of one product in response to an increase
in the price of another
157 See Rill, n 18 at 404, noting further that: “It is true
that the advent of retail scanners has increased the opportunities
to attempt
demand modelling. However, even that data can be limited by the conditions
surrounding its collection. Moreover, while
economists have suggested that
additional assumptions can be made that circumvent the need for perfect
information, these assumptions
necessarily weaken the models’
158 Harvard Law Review Note, n 58 at 2425. Leading models
include the HLZ “Almost Ideal” Demand System; the Antitrust
Model and the Residual Demand Elasticity Model: Rill, n 18 at n 34.
159 Rill,
n 18, noting in n 35 that the HLZ Model makes the fewest assumptions but
requires quite detailed data; the Antitrust Logit
Model makes assumptions about
the firms’ marginal costs, non-price strategies of competition, and the
shape of the demand curve;
while the Residual Demand Elasticity Model holds
constant market-wide demand and supply and also requires identification of
variation in cost and other factors that affect demand.
Harvard Law Review Note, n 58 at 2425.
161Werden, n 61 at 363.
n 61 at 374-378 for a summary explanation of these assumptions.
163 See Muris
T, “Economics and Antitrust” (1997) 5 George Mason Law Review
303 at 311; see also the views expressed in Whither Merger
Simulation, available at http://www.antitrustsource.com, May 2004 (viewed 20
September 2005). Cf Werden, n 61 at 374-375, explaining the Bertrand
model of
competition and indicating that, in his view, this model is a “very
reasonable assumption in most differentiated products
However, the third is the most sensitive – even
slight miscalculations about the shape of the demand curve for the relevant
products can yield erroneous conclusions about post-merger price increases.164
Given the present state of empirical discipline, there is often substantial disagreement over many of the aspects of a simulation study.165 The choice of methodology can be difficult, and reasonable economists inevitably disagree on the appropriateness of a particular model in any given situation.166 At least at present, no single model is seen as technically superior in all cases; “which model is appropriate in a given case depends on industry characteristics, the type of data available, how firms in the market compete, and other considerations”.167
In light of these difficulties it is hardly surprising that, despite the stridency and high profile of its advocates, empirical analysis is yet to become a major feature of merger litigation in the United States. Indeed, the use of such analysis by courts is seen as raising greater problems in merger cases than in other areas of law because “the econometric analysis is less well-established in the merger context, the methodological issues involved are generally more complex, and there is greater disagreement over the proper resolution of methodological difficulties”.168 The result is a battle between the experts which is almost impossible for a judge to resolve.
Even in the United States agency review context in which empirical analysis has been cultivated heavily by agency economists in recent years, there is growing recognition of its limitations and pitfalls. It has been argued recently by senior agency officials, for example, that the modelling choices made in merger simulations for internal agency purposes should be subject to the same rigorous standards applicable to expert opinions proffered as evidence in court proceedings.169 Furthermore, there is growing acknowledgment that the more “traditional” sources of evidence, such as industry
164 As one Federal Trade Commission official, Baker, has noted: “price
simulation models are generally sensitive to assumptions
about the way the
elasticity of demand varies as output changes, a matter about which it is often
difficult to gather information
or engage in informed speculation”: Baker,
n 112. It is true that, in an attempt to overcome this, some models attempt to
price elasticity more directly (see Overstreet et al, n 139, reviewing
such models). However, it has also been observed that “regular
of [such] models may tend to artificially elevate the level of concern in
unilateral effects cases. At best they may result
in pitched theoretical battles
between the parties’ economists over the exact level of price increase to
be expected, with
correspondingly less focus placed on competitive
responses.” See Rill, n 18 at 405-406.
165 Harvard Law Review Note, n
58 at 2431.
166 Harvard Law Review Note, n 58 at 2431-2.
167 Harvard Law
Review Note, n 58 at 2432, noting that: “The DOJ, for example, has used
the Logit Model, the RDE Model and the
Diversion Ratio on various occasions.
Economist Carl Shapiro promotes the Diversion Ratio as a tool for evaluating
unilateral effects,
but economists Jerry Hausman and Gregory Leonard criticize
any reliance on the Diversion Ratio. In evaluating the Logit Model, Hausman
Leonard comment that ‘econometric tests of [the model’s] assumptions
have a high rate of rejection.’ They advocate
their own model (the HLZ
model), but economists Gregory Werden and Luke Froeb outline problems with it,
and the frequent unavailability
of requisite data limits the usefulness of this
model” (footnotes omitted).
168 Harvard Law Review Note, n 58 at
169 See Werden G, Froeb L and Scheffmann D, “A Daubert Discipline
for Merger Simulation” (2004) 18 (Summer) Antitrust 89. Werden and
Froeb argue that merger simulation should be disciplined, whether in the
courtroom or in the agency context, by Federal
Rule of Evidence 702 and the
principles established in Daubert v Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc [1993] USSC 99; 509
US 579 (1993) which limit the admissibility of expert testimony. In particular,
they argue that the analyst performing the simulation must
be an expert in the
relevant field of economics; that the simulation employ sounds methods from that
field and, most importantly,
that those methods are applied reliably to the
facts of the industry at hand. These authors argue further that every assumption
in connection with a merger simulation must be justifiable and, absent
sufficient justification, a sensitivity analysis be performed
so as to show the
extent to which the predictions depend upon the assumptions. See further the
views expressed by these same commentators
in Whither Merger Simulation,
available at http://www.antitrustsource.com, May 2004 (viewed 20
2005). Scheffmann, a former Director, Bureau of Economics, Federal
Trade Commission, has been one of the most outspoken critics of
simulation analyses and during his tenure at the Commission was responsible for
resurrecting the focus on the coordinated
effects of mergers.
witnesses and
documents, remain valid and useful, and that quantitative analyses should be
used to supplement rather than replace
such sources, in determining whether or
not a transaction violates s 7 of the Clayton Act.170
In Australia, qualitative evidence from industry sources is undoubtedly the
most influential and
highly valued source of evidence on a range of issues
arising under Pt IV of the TPA, including market definition and anticompetitive
effects.171 By contrast, the employment of quantitative analysis has not been a
common feature of Pt IV proceedings in Australia
to date.172 Cases in which
evidence of this nature has been adduced have been few and far between and in
those instances in which
it has been presented, it has been ineffective in the
sense that it has had limited impact on the court’s findings.173 Judicial
reservations towards this category of evidence were illustrated recently in the
merger context in Australian Gas Light Co v Australian Competition and
Consumer Commission (No 3) [2003] FCA 1525; (2003) 137 FCR 317; [2003] ATPR 41-966, the first
substantive merger to come before an Australian court in over a decade.174
Detailed empirical evidence based on a residual
demand analysis was presented by
the ACCC in an attempt to show that the three large Victorian generators had the
ability to increase
market prices through their unilateral bidding in the
national electricity market. This
evidence was examined closely by French J
but ultimately failed to persuade him that the proposed acquisition met the test
in s 50
of the TPA. For some, this result has only reinforced the impression
that the substantial investment involved in compiling empirical
evidence may not
be worthwhile in Pt IV proceedings.175
Notably, even in the authorisation context in which economic modelling has become increasingly popular in recent years, recent comments by the Tribunal indicate that quantitative estimates of claimed public benefits will be subject to close scrutiny and that there may be circumstances in which, owing to difficulties with data and methodology, the better judgment is simply not to rely on such estimates.176
In 1993 one of the United States’ leading antitrust officials made the observation that “the [US] Guidelines’ approach may be subject to further refinement, but it appears that it will survive well into
170 Barnett T (Deputy Assistant Attorney-General, Antitrust Division, United
States’ Department of Justice), “Substantial
Lessening of
Competition – The Section 7 Standard” (2005) 2 Columbia Business
Law Review 293 at 304-311. See also the commentary in Bates J,
“Customer Testimony of Anticompetitive Effects in Merger Litigation”
(2005) 2 Columbia Business Law Review 279.
171 See Beaton-Wells, n
153, Ch 4 (for a general review of this category of evidence in market
definition cases); pp 329-331 (for
conclusions, specifically that “courts
have valued both highly and consistently, evidence that is derived from the
relevant to the case at hand concerning, essentially, the competitive
dynamics in that industry (‘industry evidence’).
Where it has been
necessary to resolve inconsistencies or ambiguities in the evidence presented on
the issue of market definition,
industry evidence generally has been preferred
over every other category of evidence. In this sense it can be characterised as
most effective type of evidence adduced on this issue”).
Beaton-Wells, n 153, Ch 6 (for a review of the few cases in which it has been
173 In Trade Practices Commission v Australia Meat Holdings
Pty Ltd [1988] FCA 244; [1988] ATPR 40-876 the court declined to place any weight on
evidence of price correlations and gave specific reasons for doing so. In
News Ltd v Australian Rugby Football League Ltd [1996] FCA 1256; (1996) 58 FCR 447; [1996]
ATPR 41-466 the court either overlooked or chose to ignore the quantitative
evidence (aimed at showing limited substitutability for rugby league).
Australian Rugby Union Ltd v Hospitality Group Pty Ltd [2000] FCA 823; [2000] ATPR 41-768
evidence of cross-elasticities was found not to be statistically significant and
in Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Universal Music
(2001) 115 FCR 442; [2002] ATPR 41-855, qualitative evidence was preferred
to the quantitative evidence presented on the issue of market power.
174 The
Commission presented detailed quantitative evidence to support a decision that
it had made to refuse informal clearance of
AGL’s proposed acquisition of
a 35% stake in the Loy Yang Power Station and Coal Mine. The analysis was made
possible by the
availability of data concerning electricity trading in the
national electricity market.
175 See Merrett A, “Quantitative Analysis
Again up in Lights” (2005) 13 TPLJ 90 at 96. Note also the observations
made by Allsop J about the limitations of economic modelling, specifically the
simplicity of the
assumptions on which they are invariably based and hence their
inaccuracy in representing reality, in Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission v Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd (with corrigendum) [2005] FCA 581; [2005] ATPR 42-066
at 43-039 [512]- [513].
176 See Re Qantas Airways Ltd [2005] ATPR
42,065 at 42,878 [206]-[208].
the next century”.177 In hindsight this
has proven to be an insightful prediction. For while there have been bold
of an abandonment of the traditional structural approach to merger
analysis by the federal agencies, serious limitations on such
a development have
also been recognised.
The first limitation arises from the terms of s 7 of the Clayton Act
and its at least implicit
requirement of market definition, together with
the resistance that has been shown to any possible resurrection of the submarket
The second limitation stems from the fact that definition of a relevant
market and analysis of the structural elements of that market,
including but by
no means limited to market shares and levels of concentration, remain a
theoretically valid and practically feasible
method of predicting competitive
effects. This is clearly the case for mergers in which coordinated effects may
be of concern given
that such effects are not susceptible to quantification in
the same way as unilateral effects.178 However, even in the case of unilateral
effects, there is growing acknowledgment of the weaknesses of so-called direct,
empirically based, techniques for predicting merger
outcomes (including by
members of the United States’ agencies who have been responsible in large
part for pioneering these
For essentially the same reasons, it is unlikely that Australian competition lawyers will be forced to confront “mergers without markets” for at least the foreseeable future. Indeed, this conclusion may be reached with even greater confidence in Australia than in the United States having regard to the clear statutory profile of the market concept under the TPA and the apparent lack of support (amongst the judiciary, if not more generally) for the introduction of econometric analysis as a substitute for qualitative sources of evidence in establishing competitive effects. Thus, barring significantamendment of the TPA and substantial development in quantitative techniques, it is predicted that market definition and the structural paradigm to which it is integral will remain key features of the Australian competition law landscape well into the present century.
177 Werden, n 67 at 555.
178 See Shapiro, n 141 at 23; also Harvard Law
Review Note, n 58 at 2427-2431 regarding the potential for coordinated
in differentiated product industries.
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