Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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13016  Cat. No. 97 2645 4  ISBN 0644 517166






(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Family Services,
the Hon. Mr Warwick Smith, MP)



Following the passage of the Child Care Payments Act 1997 the Government received numerous representations about the likely administrative impact on parents and on services which would flow from its full implementation in April 1998. As a result the Government has decided to defer the implementation of that Act until a child care card or similar technology is available. This technology will allow for the introduction of a system which is more efficient for all parties.

This Bill seeks to implement this decision by deferring implementation of the Child Care Payments Act 1997. This Bill also amends the Child Care Act 1972 and the Childcare Rebate Act 1993 to allow the implementation of the other decisions taken in the 1997 Budget and reflected in the Child Care Payments Act 1997. These are:

• a limit on Childcare Assistance of 20 hours a week for non-work related care;

• introduction of a planning system for long day care places and a limit on the number of new places approved in 1998 and 1999;

• introduction of immunisation as a criterion for eligibility for Childcare Assistance and the Childcare Rebate.

The Bill also facilitates the transfer of the payment of the current Childcare Assistance program to Centrelink in the interim period pending the commencement of payments under the Child Care Payments Act 1997.

Financial Impact and Regulation Impact Statements

The financial impacts and a regulation impact statement about these measures were outlined in the explanatory memorandum provided with the Child Care Payments Act 1997. The deferral of those arrangements will address many of the concerns raised by the child care industry. However, operators will be required to implement some new administrative procedures which check the work related status and the immunisation status of families. The Department of Health and Family Services is working to ensure that these procedures are as simple as possible for operators. Any impact on the child care industry of the deferral and the consequent changes to administrative arrangements will be detailed for the Parliament in the regulation impact statements accompanying the disallowable instruments to be made and or varied under the Child Care Act 1972.


Clause 1 Short Title

Clause 1 gives the short title for the Act.

Clause 2 Commencement

Clause 2 specifies and differentiates the sections and items of Schedule 1 that commence on the day of Royal Assent, and those that commence on a day to be fixed by Proclamation. The new arrangements for planning approvals, for non-work related child care and for immunisation will commence on a date to be proclaimed. This is expected to be 27 April 1998.

Clause 3 Schedule(s)

Clause 3 specifies that, subject to the application of appropriate commencement days, each Act specified in a Schedule to this Act shall apply as codified within that Schedule.

Clause 4 Transitional matters

Clause 4 explains that the Governor General may make regulations dealing with transitional matters in respect of amendments made by Schedule 1 of this Act.

Schedule 1 - Amendment of Acts

Child Care Act 1972

Item 1 Section 4

Item 1 defines further terms used in this Schedule.

Item 2 At the end of section 4

Item 2 explains a term used later in the Bill in dealing with confidentiality provisions.

Item 3 At the end of subsection 4B(2)

This item gives the Secretary the power to take a variety of actions against an operator of an eligible child care centre who breaches the conditions of his or her approval. Consequently, section 4B(2) is amended to reflect the Secretary’s new power to suspend or cancel an approval under section 4E of this Bill.

Item 4 At the end of section 4B

Item 4 sets out the things that an operator of an eligible child care service must do to maintain his or her approval. These provisions are analogous to those contained in the Child Care Payments Act 1997 and include the requirement that operators must hold an allocation of places and must not exceed that allocation

Item 5 Subsection 4C(1)

Item 5 extends the Minister’s guideline making powers to include new requirements under section 12F with regard to the allocation of child care places. This is necessary in order to implement the 1997/98 Budget decision to limit new child care places to 7000 per annum for 1998 and 1999.

Item 6 After section 4C

This item inserts a new section 4D to make it clear that the 7000 per annum limit does not apply after 1999. New section 4E sets out a variety of options the Secretary may take in respect of services which breach the conditions under which they were approved. The powers are identical to those contained in section 179 of the Child Care Payments Act 1997.

New section 4F is also identical to the Child Care Payments Act 1997 (section 180) and sets out the procedure which must be followed by the Secretary before imposing a sanction.

New section 4G makes decisions to implement conditions or sanctions appealable to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Item 7 After the heading to Part 111

This item amends the heading to this part to better reflect the purpose of the part by inserting “Division 1 - Grants for new eligible child care centres and grants for fee relief” under the heading.

Item 8 After subparagraph 12A (1) (a) (1)

Item 8 provides that in addition to considerations of economic need, the work related status of families will be a relevant factor in determining the amount of fee relief payable to the operator of an eligible child care centre. This head of power is needed to implement the government's decision to restrict Childcare Assistance payable in respect of children whose parents are not working, studying or training to 20 hours per week. Guidelines to be developed will substantially resemble those previously developed under the Child Care Payments Act 1997 and will ensure that the same exemptions apply.

Items 9 & 10 After subsection 12A(1) and at the end of section 12A

Items 9 and 10 say that the work test for the 20 hours limit is the same as the work test for eligibility for the Childcare Rebate.

Item 11 After section 12E

This item inserts a new heading, “Division 2 - Provision of tax file numbers”.

Item 12 After section 12E

12F Secretary to allocate child care places

This item inserts an new heading, “Division 3 - Allocation of child care places”, and provides for a new section 12F, which allows the Secretary to allocate child care places to new and existing eligible child care centres. This is necessary in order to make sure that the 7000 place limit for 1998 and 1999 which would have been required by the Child Care Payments Act 1997 is complied with.

Section 12G The immunisation requirement

A new section 12G is also inserted, under the heading, “Division 4 - The immunisation requirement”, which specifies the immunisation requirements for Childcare Assistance. These requirements are the same as those set out in the Child Care Payments Act 1997 and will operate until payments commence under that Act.

Section 12H Minister's directions

A new section 12H is inserted which provides that the Minister may make directions which exempt certain classes of children from the immunisation requirements and which set out the requirements for notices issued under section 12G. These directions are a disallowable instrument for the purposes of section 46A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

Item 13 After part 111

This item introduces new sections 12J to 12V.

New sections 12J to 12V introduce confidentiality provisions into the Child Care Act 1972. This was a recommendation of the Law Reform Commission in its review of the child care legislation. These new sections are identical to the confidentiality provisions in sections 230 to 242 of the Child Care Payments Act 1997.

Item 14 After subsection 21(1)

Item 14 empowers the Minister to delegate powers to the CEO or an employee of the Agency (Centrelink) for the time when Centrelink take over the payment of Child care Assistance. Powers are delegated under subsection 12A (2), 20B and 23, pertaining to making grants to an operator, making recoveries, and the manner of payment of grants respectively.

Item 15 After section 21

This item introduces new section 21A.

New section 21A permits the Secretary to delegate any or all powers under this Act to officers of the Department or the CEO of Centrelink. Additionally, until Centrelink take over the administration of the immunisation provisions, child care centre operators will be required to verify parents' immunisation status. Accordingly, this section allows the Secretary to delegate this power to operators.

Child Care Payments Act 1997

Items 16 and 17

Items 16 and 17 defer the payment commencement day of the Child Care Payments Act 1997. This is necessary as a result of the Government’s decision to implement the Child Care Payments Act 1997 so that it can be introduced in conjunction with a smart card, in order to reduce the administrative complexity of the system. The current provision requires the Child Care Payments Act 1997 to come into effect within 6 months of Royal Assent. These items extend this to thirty months, which has been chosen to allow time for the development of the smart card.

Child Care Payments (Consequential Amendments
and Transitional Provisions) Act 1997

Items 18 to 24

Items 18 to 24 deal with consequential amendments to the Child Care Payments
(Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 1997. These are technical amendments to the Child Care Payments (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 which are required as a result of this Bill.

Childcare Rebate Act 1993

Item 25 Section 4

This item inserts into section 4 of the Childcare Rebate Act 1993 definitions relating to the Australian Childhood Immunisation Scheme.

Item 26 After Division 1 of Part 4

This item inserts a new section 39A to introduce the requirement that children meet the immunisation requirement in order to receive Childcare Rebate. This provision is modelled on section 81 of the Child Care Payments Act 1997. Briefly, it allows families which do not meet the requirements a period of 28 days in which to take steps to meet the requirements.

The new section 39B gives the Minister the power to direct in writing that classes of children are exempt from the requirement to be immunised and to give directions about the way the Health Insurance Commission will satisfy itself about a child’s immunisation status. These directions are in the form of a disallowable instrument and will be subject to Parliamentary scrutiny.


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