Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Resources,
                             the Hon. Alan Grilfiths, MP)


36656 Cat. No. 92 5429 7

2 GENERAL OUTLINE The purpose ofthese Bills is to make provision for recovering the costs of the scientific monitoring of the contaminant status of animal and plant food products produced in Australia or exported from Australia. 2. The 17 Levy Bills each impose a levy on producers of various animal and plant food products for the purpose of fimding the National Residue Survey. 3. The NEtS Administration Bill provides for the establishment of a Trust Account in which money collected from NRS levies or penalties, relevant parliamentary appropriations, gifts or contributions to the NEtS, and income from money invested, will be held. Payments will be made from this Account for the purposes of conducting surveys and to reimburse the Commonwealth for expenses incurred on behalf ofthe NBS. 4. The Administration Bill also sets the initial levy rates for commodities to be surveyed and the maximum rates that can be set by regulation. 5. The NRS (Consequential Provisions) Bill provides for the transfer of NRS funds into the NES Trust Account and amends the Cattle Transaction Levy Act 1990 to ensure that the imposition of the NEtS levy under that legislation ceases on 1 July 1993 when the NRS legislation comes into effect. 6. The Consequential Provisions Bill also amends the Primary Industries Levies and Charges CollectionAct 1991 to provide for the inclusion of aquatic animal export levies, game meat levies and horse slaughter levies as levies that will be collected under the provisions of that Act. FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT 7. Increasing the level of cost recovery for the NBS from 60% to 100%, together with increased administrative efficiency, is expected to result in a saving to the Commonwealth ofapproximately $2.7 million per annum on current costs. DEFINITION OF TERMS 8. In this Explanatory Memorandum "NRS" means the National Residue Survey.

3 NOTES ON I}TDWWUAL CLAUSES NTIS ADMINiSTRATION BILL 1992 PART 1- PRELIMINARY Clause 1: Short title etc. 9. Provides for the citation ofthe Act. Clause 2: Commencement 10. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Act binds Crown ii. Provides for the Act to apply in all ofthe Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. PART 2- INTERPRETATION Clause 4: Interoretation 12. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides definitions of `Account', `National Residue Survey Levy', `Related Act', and "Fable. Clause 5: References to other Acts 13. Sub-clause 1 provides that references to other Acts refer to those sections in force at the time or, if the Act has been repealed, to those sections in force immediately before the repeal. 14. Sub-clause 2 provides that references relating to repealed Acts refer only to those Acts and not to consequential amendments made to the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991.

4 PARTS- NATIONAL RESIDUE SURVEY ACCOUNT Clause 6: Establishment of account 15. Sub-clause I provides for the establishment of the National Residue Survey Account. 16. Sub-clause 2 provides for this account to be a Group 2 Trust Account under Section 62A of the Audit Act 1901. 17. Sub-clause 3 provides for money in this account to be invested in accordance with section 62B ofthe Audit Act 1901. Clause 7: Payments into National Residue Survey Account 18. Provides for payments into the account of (a) all NRS Levy payments collected (b) all penalties collected in relation to NRS Levies (c) any gifts or contributions made to the Commonwealth, such as through the Collector of Public Monies, for the National Residue Survey (d) any gifts or contributions made direct to the NRS Trust Account (e) Parliamentary appropriations for the NEtS (I) income from investment of NullS Trust Account money, such as any interest accrued in a bank account. Clause 8: Payments out of account 19. Sub-clause I provides for payments to be made for (a) purposes related to surveys monitoring and reporting on residue levels conducted as part ofan expenditure program approved by the Minister (b) reimbursement to the Commonwealth for expenditure or administrative costs of the collection and recovery of levies and penalties or (c) reimbursement to the Commonwealth for expenditure incurred in the conduct of surveys monitoring and reporting on residue levels.

5 20. Sub-clause 2 provides an explanation of expenditure as including, but not limited to: (a) staffsalaries and allowances (b) other expenditure relating to providing staff or their services Cc) expenditure incurred in relation to the conduct of surveys, such as cost relating to industry consultation and advice and Cd) the provision of accommodation and administrative support. PART 4- NATIONAL RESIDUE SURVEY LEVY Clause 9: Liability to National Residue Survey Levy 21. Sub-clause 1 provides for persons liable under related Acts to pay a levy on particular products or activities to also be liable for the payment of the NRS levy in relation to those products or activities. The related Acts are set out in Column 4 ofthe Table arid the products and activities are set out in Column 1 of the Table. Thus the same mechanism for levy imposition in the Acts in Column 4 also applies to the NullS levy for that product. 22. Sub-Clause 2 provides that levies are payable at the rates set out in Column 2 ofthe Table if there is no rate set by regulation, or at the rate set by regulation. The maximum rate for rates set by regulation is provided in Column 3 ofthe Table. 23. Sub-Clause 3 provides for NRS levy liabilities to be treated in the same way as levies arising under the related Acts and collected under the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991. PART 5- MISCELLANEOUS Clause 10: Reuort by Minister 24. Provides for the Minister to table an annual report on NullS activities, income and expenditure and financial statements applying to the financial year just ended.

6 Clause 11: Release of information 25. Sub-clause I preserves commercial confidentiality and privacy by providing for non-disclosure, except to authorities described in sub-clause 2, of survey information that would identif~' particular person. a 26. Sub-clause 2 provides for the disclosure ofinformation from surveys that would identi& a particular person to the Commonwealth, State or Territory authorities with residue monitoring responsibilities so that residue problems can be traced and corrected. Clause 12: Appropriation 27. Appropriates from the Consolidated Revenue Fund the levy and penalty money collected by the Commonwealth and any gifts or contributions made to the Commonwealth for the NRS. Clause 13: ReEulations 28. Provides for the making of regulations that are authorised by the Act or are needed to allow the Act to operate. Schedule 29. The schedule columns list the products or activities on which liability for levies arises in column 1, the operative rate of the levy in column 2, the maximum rate of the levy in column 3 and the related Act prescribing the mechanism for imposition in column 4. NRS (COARSE GRAINS) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 30. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 31. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Interpretation 32. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides for the definition of `coarse grain' to be the same as the definition of leviable coarse grain in the Coarse Grains Levy Act 1992.

7 Clause 4: Act binds Crown 33. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 34. Imposes a levy on coarse grains as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992. NRS (CAflLE TRANSACTION) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 35. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 36. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Interpretation 37. For the purpose ofinterpreting the Act provides for the definition of `cattle' to be the same as the definition in the Cattle Transaction Levy Act 1990. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 38. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 39. Imposes a levy on transactions or other dealings with cattle as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992. NRS (LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 40. Provides for the citation ofthe Act.

Clause 2: Commencement 41. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. ClauseS: Interpretation 42. For the purpose ofinterpreting the Act provides a definition of `livestock'. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 43. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. ClauseS: Imposition of levy 44. Imposes a levy on the slaughter oflivestock as detailed in the National Residue Survey Adrnintstration Act 1992. MRS (MEAT CHICKEN) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 45. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 46. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. ClauseS: Interpretation 47. For the purpose ofinterpreting the Act provides for the definition of `meat chicken' to be the same as the definition in the Meat Chicken Levy Act 1969. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 48. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. Clause 5: Imposition oflevy 49. Imposes a levy on meat chickens as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992.

9 MRS (LAYING CHICKEN) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 50. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 51. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Interpretation 52. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides for the definition of `laying chicken' to be the same as the definition in the Laying Chicken Levy Act 1988. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 53. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. Clause 5: Imnosition of levy 54. Imposes a levy on laying chickens as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992. NRS (DAIRY PRODUCE) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 55. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 56. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Act binds Crown 57. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 4: Imposition of levy 58, Imposes a levy on the milk fat content of dairy produce as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992.

10 NEtS (HONEY) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 59. Provides for the citation ofthe Act. Clause 2: Commencement 60. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Internretation 61. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides for the definition of `honey' to be the same as the definition ofhoney in the Honey Levy (No. 1) Act 1962 or the Honey Levy (No.2) Act 1962. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 62. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 5: Imnosition oflevy 63. Imposes a levy on honey as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992. NRS (HONEY EXPORT) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause I: Short title etc. 64. Provides for the citation of the Act, Clause 2: Commencement 65. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. ClauseS: Internretation 66. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides for the definition of `honey' to be the same as the definition of honey in the Honey Export Charge Act 1978.

11 Clause 4: Act binds Crown 67. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 68. Imposes a levy on honey as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992. NRS (HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 69. Provides for the citation of the Act, Clause 2: Commencement 70. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Interpretation 71. For the purpose ofinterpreting the Act provides for the definition of `horticultural products' to be the same as the definition of leviable horticultural products in the Horticultural Levy Act 1987. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 72. Provides for the Act to apply in all ofthe Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 73. Imposes a levy on horticultural products as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992. MRS (HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS EXPORT) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 74. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 75. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993.

12 Clause 3: Interuretation 76. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides for the definition of `horticultural products' to be the same as the definition of chargeable horticultural products in the Horticultural Export Charge Act 1987. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 77. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 5: Imposition of len 78. Imposes a levy on horticultural products as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992. NRS (OILSEEDS) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 79. Provides for the citation of the Act, Clause 2: Commencement 80. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Internretation 81. For the purpose ofinterpreting the Act provides for the definition of `oilseeds' to be the same as the definition of leviable oilseeds in the Oilseeds Levy Act 1977. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 82. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 83. Imposes a levy on oilseeds as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992.

13 MRS (DRIED FRUITh) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 84. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 85. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Interuretation 86. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides for the definition of `dried fruits' to be the same as the definition in the Dried Fruits Levy Act 1971. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 87. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 88. Imposes a levy on dried fruits as detailed in the National Residue Survey Admihtstration Act 1992. MRS (WHEAT) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 89. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 90. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Act binds Crown 91. Provides for the Act to apply in all ofthe Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 4: Imposition of levy 92. Imposes a levy on wheat as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992.

14 MRS (GRAIN LEGUMES) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 93. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 94. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Interpretation 95. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides for the definition of `grain legumes' to be the same as the definition of leviable grain legumes in the Grain Legumes Levy Act 1985. Clause 4: Act binds Crown 96. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 97. Imposes a levy on grain legumes as detailed in the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992. MRS (GAME ANIMALS) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 98. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 99. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Act binds Crown 100. Provides for the Act to apply in all ofthe Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 4: Interoretation 101. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides a definition of `game animal'.

15 102. Sub clause 2 provides for words and expressions to be interpreted in the same way as in the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 103. Sub-clause 1 imposes the National Residue Survey Levy on processing at a processing establishment of game animals intended for human consumption. 104. Sub-clause provides for exemption from the levy of any game animals named in the relevant regulation. Clause 6: Rate oflevy 105. Sub-clause 1 provides a table specifying the class of animals being levied, the operative rate ofthe levy for each class and the maximum rate of the levy for each class. 106. Sub-clause 2 provides for the rates to vary for different kinds of game animals within a class. Clause 7: Who pays the levy 107. Provides for the levy to be paid by the producer. A regulation will prescribe `game meat' for the purposes ofs. 4(1)(e) of the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991 and the producer will therefore be the proprietor of the establishment, Clause 8: Regulations 108. Provides for the making of regulations that are authorised by the Act or needed to allow the Act to operate. MRS (AQUATIC ANIMAL EXPORT) LEVY BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 109. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 110. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993.

16 Clause 3: Act binds Crown 111. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 4: Interpretation 112. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides definitions of `aquatic animal' and `aquatic animal product'. 113. Sub clause 2 provides for words and expressions to be interpreted in the same way as in the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 114. Sub-clause I imposes the National Residue Survey Levy on the export of aquatic animals and aquatic animal products. 115. Sub-clause 2 provides for the exemption of any aquatic animals or aquatic animal products named in regulations under this Act. Clause 6: Rate oflevy 116. Sub-clause I provides a table specifying the class of aquatic animals being levied, the operative rate of the levy for each class and the maximum rate of the levy for each class. 117. Sub-clause 2 provides for the rates to vary for different kinds of aquatic animals or aquatic animal products within a class. Clause 7: Who pays the levy 118. Provides for the levy to be paid by the producer. A regulation will prescribe `aquatic animals' and `aquatic animal products' for the purposes of s.4(lXg) of the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991 and the producer will therefore be the exporter. Clause 8: Regulations 119. Provides for the making ofregulations that are authorised by the Act or are needed to allow the Act to operate.

17 NTIS (HORSE SLAUGHTER) LEVY BUL 1992 Clause 1: Short title etc. 120. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 121. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1998. Clause 3: Act binds Crown 122. Provides for the Act to apply in all of the Australian States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. Clause 4: Interuretation 123. For the purpose of interpreting the Act provides for words and expressions to be interpreted in the same way as in the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991. Clause 5: Imposition of levy 124. Imposes the National Residue Survey Levy on the slaughter at an abattoir of horses intended for human consumption. Clause 6: Rate of levy 125. Sets the operative rate of levy at $4.00 per head, unless another rate is prescribed by a regulation, and sets the maximum rate that can be prescribed under regulation at $5.00 per head. Clause 7: Who nays the levy 126. Provides for the levy to be paid by the producer. A regulation will prescribe `horses' for the purposes of s.4(lXg) of the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991 and the producer will therefore be the exporter. Clause 8: Regulations 127. Provides for the making of regulations that are authorised by the Act or are needed to allow the Act to operate.

18 NTIS (CONSEQUENTIAL PROVISIONS) BILL 1992 Clause 1: Short title 128. Provides for the citation of the Act. Clause 2: Commencement 129. Provides for the Act to come into effect on 1 July 1993. Clause 3: Consequential amendment of other Acts 130. Provides for amendments to other Acts as set out in the Schedule. These amendments are to (a) the Cattle Transaction Levy Act 1990 to ensure that the impostion of an NRS levy under that legislation ceases on 1 ,July 1993 when the NES legislation will come into effect and (b) the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991 to include (i) exporters as a class of persons whose books or documents relating to financial dealings can be regarded as `examinable documents' (ii) aquatic animal export levies, game meat levies and horse slaughter as levies which will be collected under the provisions of that Act, and (~Inii'u~ Transfer of funds 4~ etc to National Residue Survey Account 131. Sub-clause 1 provides for money held by the Commonwealth on behalf ofthe MRS when these Acts come into force to be transferred to the NRS Account. 132. Sub-clause 2 provides for money held in trust funds on behalf of the NRS when these Acts come into force to be paid back to the Consolidated Revenue Fund and then transferred to the NRS Account. 133. Sub-clause 3 provides for any money not otherwise covered by these Bills that is paid to the Commonwealth for the purposes of the NTRS after the Act comes into fin-ce to be transferred to the MRS Account. Clause 5: Appropriation 134. Appropriates money from the Consolidated Revenue Fund to cover the transfer of funds authorised under clause 4. Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer

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